Your Steam/In-game Name: Shaun | Shaun
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GilliesTheGhillie / Apollo Figner-Toesun | -Aar0n^ / Arwin Figner-Toesun
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64218880 | STEAM_0:1:53137589
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe both players were having "banter" and were ramming each other. (Couldn't tell because of the 'drive' function not working while in a vehicle) Then they proceeded to go through the red light.
There's another part where they again were ramming each other which I am trying to find in my demos. No luck I looked for at least an hour and could not find it.
Evidence (Demo Required):!ogBhhTCR
Tick: 22000
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GilliesTheGhillie / Apollo Figner-Toesun | -Aar0n^ / Arwin Figner-Toesun
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64218880 | STEAM_0:1:53137589
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe both players were having "banter" and were ramming each other. (Couldn't tell because of the 'drive' function not working while in a vehicle) Then they proceeded to go through the red light.
Evidence (Demo Required):!ogBhhTCR
Tick: 22000
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