- You push me down the stairs, were waiting in my apartment, my demo stopped and I died.
- You come to my apartment begging for friendship because you knew you'd get fucked either way.
- It doesn't matter.
- I think you're making this seem petty, this whole AR is based on because I said " I told you 50k" which I wasn't aware if I died or not.
- My car gets blown up, but I don't, I didn't die.
- You were gunpointed in the apartment, a private setting, so what does that matter? I had a word with you, you were the only probable suspect? Doesn't matter if I was wrong, it was still in a private setting where I could do what ever I wanted to you. I asked you for money for my car otherwise we'd have an issue ( tried to roleplay some type of random shit lol )
To sum up this AR, I think it's just filled with a bit of saltyness. You've proven your point about the car bomb, after I mugged you? I just think this is extremely, and I mean extremely petty to make an AR because I may have said something in my past life. I don't understand what I have done wrong to be fair apart from a little minor thing. Out of interest, how did that once sentence "I told you 50k" negatively affect you in ANY way possible? I would of mugged you anyways, even if I didn't say "I told you 50k". I think that this fued we have together has probably gotten the best of us and just put it to rest after this AR. I don't mean to be rude but, we both know, aswell as others, that this is petty and the only reason you are making this is because I "target" you. In this quote - "
Also, since I've ever joined PERP (early 2016 I believe) you're the person who affected me the hardest, most negative way ever by far. This situation and you made me consider waste 1M just on you before I leave the server forever as I wouldnt have any more money or cars. I'm going to tryhard this. "
You even admitted it yourself in the comments when you said you wanted to waste 1M on me and try hard to get rid of me. So this AR is only because I "target" you, not that you think I broke the rules but to just get rid of me and that's quite sad to see. You'd go through that much effort to see me banned which kind of changes the picture a bit. Now not only do we see that, you're also targetting me, but the staff member can see it and see this as a pure case of beef because of an IC dispute between us. When you're stating tryhard, you're referring to getting me banned and getting rid of me rather than spending money on me to make me leave. This shows you've just taken the time instead of doing that but to take a different approach through an AR.