Adam Mill 3.24

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫JarredInator♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dwarfbitch / Adam Mills

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44166616

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.24

As soon as I handcuffed the guy he instantly goes into LOOC basically forcing me to explain myself. As I does so I get shot in the back. I couldn't pay full attention to my game because of this I die. Rip.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
I dont see the problem, i didn't stall the rp or anything. it was a simpel question. and i didnt tell my friend to shoot you. You could just have said somthing like "Explain later" not write a hole story that takes 10 minutes to write. it was a simpel question, it was not ment to stall the rp or anything i only asked you a question, because i felt like it was a bit meta that you suddenly know i was the guy, so i used the Looc to ask you what the reason was that you knew me.
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Its a hard one, it's not like you had to respond to him. He asked 1 simple question which you could have answered at the PD. You were dragging him so it didnt matter if he was "Stalling" or not you had no real chance of getting outta that one. -Support
Mate this to me just looks like bad timing for you and also a wrong choice. You didnt have to say it all right there. I just see that youre a bit mad that they killed you while you were typing but it seems like bad luck as he didnt "force you".
In your POV they could easily have shot you as u turned ur back when u would have dragged him to the car. -Support

But i don't see why the guy who shot you would put his life at risk when he just saw a LT car drive away.
As soon as he killed u the LT knew how all the persons look like and he could easily just call backup and be there in 2 min.
So as i can see in ur POV i would have said that it was a huge risk to take to bring their life at risk for their friend who was going into jail for attempting murder on an officer.
You're all missing the point here

Rule 3.24 partially says:

"For example screaming RDM when being shot at."

'For example 'screaming' meta when being cuffed"

See the similarity? I'm not saying that he stalled. What I'm trying to say here is that he instantly brought an IC situation into an OOC one by calling meta, reporting you etc. without any neccecarity.

Also you didn't just ask. Hence you already said you were going to report me for meta.

I can't really decide to support or not. He shouldn't have bitched in LOOC but you didn't have to respond. I'll stay N̶e̶u̶t̶r̶a̶l̶.
I've chosen to -Support this. You getting killed was your fault. If you didn't respond and he continued to spam in LOOC about the situation/stalling it would be different. I do not agree with him immediately going in LOOC and complaining though, he could have waited.
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You have no obligation to explain to him ooc, doesn't matter what he said.
Giving this a -support.
"3.24 In and out of character - Don’t bring out of character situations in character, for example screaming "RDM"
when being shot at."
Screaming "RDM" is in LOOC completely fine, Screaming "RDM" in IC Chat or Voice Chat is not fine. But he was being gunpointed and followed your orders. So he wasn't actually stalling, just asking something. You were not obliged to answer his question.
You are apprehending a suspect who you thought shot at you. At this point if you knew you got the right guy take him to the police station and interrogate him. It was your fault you got killed as you decided to reply back to him in ooc when there could be danger near by as you cuffed him next to his friends.
This is going nowhere, at best this is going to end up in a verbal warning which is honestly not worth the time for the staff.

Close this please.
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