Map Suggestion Add a nightclub

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Czech Republic
Description of the idea:
The name is quite self explanatory. I believe server should add a night club, I believe we need more buildings that are more social. Right now, the only social building on the server is bazaar. This building should be ownable with some special rules, for example so they can't build defenses in public area, so people don't turn this building into some aidsfest.

This building should be have front door always open for anyone, but rest of the building should remain private to the building owner such as - Side entry, private rooms or bar. For those who can't really imagine how it could look like (It will be in Images side)

Location of this building is not really important, however, I suggest to add them to these locations - Instead of warehouse behind bazaar, instead of puffermarket or next to CH instead of market place.

In this building, I suggest to add an NPC that is similiar to drug dealer, however, he would work opposite way - He would sell actual products such as finished Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth or shrooms, bong, beer and cigarettes. He should be selling for higher prices for example: Marijuana (package) - 400 and so on.

The building on its own should be really expensive - Like 50k to buy it? However, parties could happen even without it being owned.

Speciality about this building - The "drug dealer" inside should transfer 50 % of money from bought items into the owner's bank account.

DJ part: Anyone can play any song they want from Youtube and should be able to set the volume of the music. It should be up to the building owner to manage the DJ part and have him direct who's gonna be the DJ. - If the building is not owned or nobody is playing anything, server on its own should play some music after a while, for example from a radio station or manually selected mix.

Why should this be added? (pros): I think we need more socially attractive places where people could meet and have fun at. Especially for the people like @Kempotent who are not allowed to go to real night club (Banter)

What negatives could this have? (cons): If done wrongly or people are gonna be idiots, this could become aids place. Also, it might happen that this place will be attractive for a first few days/weeks and after it will be abandoned

*Other additions: [list here]


How the nightclub could look like:
Bez názvu.png
Possible locations:


Photo for anyone who've never been to party before:
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I remember on evo city people selling sniff in the vip area.

I agree with this suggestion, make sure to add some dirty loos where people can do some yayo and ket and have gay sexual encounters like in the places @Duffy frequents.
I have you know we do it behind the McDonald's outside the club thank you
Think this would be really cool, the reason the bazaar is so populated is because it actually serves some purpose. I think that this nightclub idea would be a nice addition and would play well into the collection of Hungeries Schwein and the office. Similar to those two, the nightclub could add a place where people can roleplay, which I think is really important right now. I really like the idea of having a drug dealer there as it seems realistic and adds value, encouraging players to go there. I think some other ideas could be expanded based on the concept of a location being useful and implemented into this nightclub.
As good of a suggestion as this is, I can’t really see it getting used. It’ll probably just end up like the casino and it’d be a decent amount of work to implement just to fall under the radar.

It’s proximity to bazaar would potentially make it more used but I still don’t really think it’d serve much more than a few days of fun.
Puffermart should not be replaced, ever. I’d rather slums be given a fire escape than lose puffermart.

Putting it next to city hall would be kinda dumb too tbh. But on the other hand it could work as a spot but I wouldn’t expect to see a nightclub within meters of a PD and a City Hall.

Putting it behind bazaar would mean that the nightclub would be a thin and long building.

All we need is hungriges back as a purchasable property so we can open our own clubs in the perfect location for a club.
Yeah +1 no one really uses puffermart and it’s right beside bazaar
Mint Idea, to be honest, I would prefer it to be like public grounds. So nobody can own it so there is nobody who wants to base in there and ruin it for people who want to have fun and go in there.
The only time the nightclub was used for some sort of purpose. Yes, it would be a new building, but I reckon it will just be like the Puffer mart and never be used more than once. Unless it had a lighting and sound system that allowed people to play music and change the lights that may appeal to people to use it more.
Tbf the RP was ok until cops started being aids, not letting me and Benji RP drug dealers

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