Free hungriges

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Description of the idea:
Make hungriges a purchasable property again and stuff poker up yer arse.

Ideal locations to put poker in the meantime include:
- The bottom of the fucking ocean
- Admin mountain
- The inaccessible room in McQuwes
- Behind the skybox
- On the shooting range
- Anywhere else completely inaccessible

Jokes aside, a place for poker should be made on V5, and it should preferably be somewhere like docks pub, which might I add, would benefit from a renovation. An NPC owned property in the suburbs could also be made into a poker club.

Anyone who claims hungriges was never used will be entirely wrong. I remember using it the evening before it got turned into NPC pub 2 shit poker update Boogaloo.
Why should this be added? (pros):
Having an entire building designed for players to use dedicated to being a poker club is fucking useless.
A city shop property in the meantime whilst city shops are being made on V5.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Finding a place to put poker for the meantime despite no one playing it
Another RP property that’ll be wasted by 24/7 power growers.​