Add TinyCalc & to F1 menu

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: The idea is to add those sites into their own section within the F1 menu just like the rules, laws, etc.

Why should this be added? (pros): They are very useful websites and new players may not be aware of those websites as you don't really see them appear anywhere on the server/forums unless if it's from a user.

What negatives could this have? (cons): None as far as I am aware.

*Other additions: Feel free to suggest additional websites that should fit in within the menu in the replies so they can also be potentially considered.

*Images: N/A
Pretty good idea, the is a super useful website but kind of goes ignored. This wouldn't be too difficult to implement too I imagine.
This is a great suggestion and would save tabbing out for crafting/car purchasing purposes! Can't see any issue with this and would love to see it added. It would be a great help to all players regardless of experience.
Could add computers to the car dealer which allows you to view in the car dealer.

I Fully support Tinycalc being added to the F1 menu also.
As soon as I saw this, I considered posting my own suggestion. But I think its better to post my idea here :)!
What if we added them as apps to the phone, or even added an internet app so that we could have an interface maybe similar to gta phones. Essentially this interface wouldn't be able to search the actual web, but you would have some adverts, pictures, news, what not and then like a home page where you can search for these sites via drop down so its not terribly difficult.

Might be a bit overkill, however, I think this would be a nice platform for community based websites, plpd,, cars, etc.
The F1 menu is already full of stuff, I don’t think adding more to it will help.
Maybe we should find another home for these kind of websites? Maybe post them under a section on the Help website?
Personally not a fan, if you want to see statistics or cars drive to the CD.

Tinycalc is fine but not needed to be added to f1 menu imo
That or maybe add apps that then opens the in-game browser to the selected website? I do feel like it would make sense for it to be on the server itself but either way could work.
See what everyone else thinks I’d say and if they want it on the server so be it, ultimately up to you but so far there’s been a lot of yes votes so it’s had a huge amount of support so people don’t really see it as overkill I suppose? I understand where you’re coming from anyways, if the decision is made to not add a way to access them in-game we can just simply add them to the help website instead :)
Unfortunately they both would require a major code re-write to be compatible with Awesomium. So until Facepunch decides to merge Chromium into the default branch, we won't be doing this.
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