Adding a mansion

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United Kingdom
Main Idea: Add a mansion where there is currently a large unused area behind farm

Full description of the idea: To add another luxurious property to join the same price area as the office, this time as a single property in the large unused area behind farm. It was already an idea beforehand, but was never added because of brush limits, now that they have doubled I think it is possible for us to finally have a mansion within paralake, and this is an area of the map that currently isn't used for anything, apart from miscellaneous stuff OOC.

So my idea is to add a mansion that would cost around $20k, with road access just after farm, but before wood cabin 1, it would obviously be quite a big property, with maybe 2-3 doors as entrances to balance it out when it comes to using it as a place to grow drugs. There used to be a dead end road before v3 called "Luxury Street", I suggest we bring that back and use that road name for the short road that will connect the property to the off-road of the forest.

Here's a rough idea


Why should it be added?: There is now the possibility to add a mansion, which was always an idea that the developers had apparently so I think its a good time to add it considering it is now possible. It would add another "top tier" property with A LOT of space which can be used by big groups of people, I think it would add a new type of property to the map as the layout would be completely new to everyone so I guess it would bring more variety. It would also look very cool if people simply used it for roleplay and not only for growing drugs (but lets be honest here ;) )


  • Another expensive property
  • A property with a lot of rooms/space for many people
  • Filling up empty areas of the map
  • More attention towards the forest area of the map rather than just the city areas.


  • Possibly an awkward location, depends on how the surrounding area is adapted to it
  • Less areas on the map that can be used for miscellaneous things (e.g events)

*Other additions:

Underground parking
Direct connection to the highway near parker tunnel
Secret underground passage to docks or something

anything that simply comes down to what is right because I'm not too sure.





If this gets added I hope to see it come with an M16 with an M203

I like this idea but feel as though its location is too close to the wood cabin 1. That said, I'm struggling to think of anywhere else it could go other than over farm.​
If there was to be a mansion, there would more likely need to have a hill what turns around a few times to allow all vehicles to get up like the one on rockford what leads up to the massive houses and that.

obviously ignore the rockford dui checkpoint or whatever but you see what I mean at the back of the cars. (the turning hill)
Main Idea: Add a mansion where there is currently a large unused area behind farm

Full description of the idea: To add another luxurious property to join the same price area as the office, this time as a single property in the large unused area behind farm. It was already an idea beforehand, but was never added because of brush limits, now that they have doubled I think it is possible for us to finally have a mansion within paralake, and this is an area of the map that currently isn't used for anything, apart from miscellaneous stuff OOC.

So my idea is to add a mansion that would cost around $20k, with road access just after farm, but before wood cabin 1, it would obviously be quite a big property, with maybe 2-3 doors as entrances to balance it out when it comes to using it as a place to grow drugs. There used to be a dead end road before v3 called "Luxury Street", I suggest we bring that back and use that road name for the short road that will connect the property to the off-road of the forest.

Here's a rough idea


Why should it be added?: There is now the possibility to add a mansion, which was always an idea that the developers had apparently so I think its a good time to add it considering it is now possible. It would add another "top tier" property with A LOT of space which can be used by big groups of people, I think it would add a new type of property to the map as the layout would be completely new to everyone so I guess it would bring more variety. It would also look very cool if people simply used it for roleplay and not only for growing drugs (but lets be honest here ;) )


  • Another expensive property
  • A property with a lot of rooms/space for many people
  • Filling up empty areas of the map
  • More attention towards the forest area of the map rather than just the city areas.

  • Possibly an awkward location, depends on how the surrounding area is adapted to it
  • Less areas on the map that can be used for miscellaneous things (e.g events)
*Other additions:

Underground parking
Direct connection to the highway near parker tunnel
Secret underground passage to docks or something

anything that simply comes down to what is right because I'm not too sure.





Not sure on the limitations but subs parks?
XQ can only build a centrain about of things, I don't know of the technical stuff behind it but its todo with garrys mod limiting the map size etc

I think when XQ finished V4 he had no where near enough room for something like this, so if this was to be added alot of things on the map will have to be changed/removed to make way for this and also not the mention it will most likely be very laggy, in farm where all the tree's are rendered, I would guess a zerg of about 10+ people basing in this mansion are growing, and if a shootout happens it might be aids
Only slight problem is that (as far as I know) brush vertices cannot be increased currently with the source engine, which might brings us back to where we are right now. I know XQ mentioned us already being over the brush limit, but if we are also at the brush vertex limit then not many changes can be made really. I'm not too sure on the actual details of everything, you'd have to ask someone else I guess.

However there is supposedly a way to use a custom compiler for a map? I'm not too sure if that works completely though.

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