Addition to 3.5

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change to Current Law

What law do you wish to change/add:
3.5 Right to Stop and Detain
A Law enforcement officer has the power to stop any vehicle that has been used in and or is carrying or being driven by a person who is believed to have committed a crime and or is believed to be in the process of committing a crime. A Law Enforcement Officer may also stop any person who is believed to have committed a criminal offence or is in the process of committing a criminal offence. During this time the officer may detain the person(s) involved until the conclusion of the investigation into the offence in question.
Law Enforcement Officers have the right to arrange ID/Alcohol checkpoints on areas around the city to check for citizens driving under the influence. And to check for wanted civilians.

Why should this change/addition be made: Because in real life we are allowed to do it. And personally it would mean people cant have a bottle of whiskey and go and drive without getting punished. This would mean citizens would need to be careful how much they drink before driving.

What is the aim of this change/addition: The aim is to increase roleplay.

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No not entirely. It is to only check if they are using them like if they are in the system of the person not if they are carrying them. I did not say search I said stop. For example to do a breathalyzer test and or swab test.
Wouldn't this just be a reason for cops to camp DD?
How are officers meant to know where said drug checkpoints go without meatgaming?

Don't know if its just me that lives in a civilised democracy but where the hell do officers set up checkpoints and just start searhing everyone and their dogs for drugs/alcahol? If someone is driving badly they might but I don't think police have checkpoints for this.

What is the aim of this change/addition: The aim is to increase roleplay.

How are officers meant to know where said drug checkpoints go without meatgaming?

Don't know if its just me that lives in a civilised democracy but where the hell do officers set up checkpoints and just start searhing everyone and their dogs for drugs/alcahol? If someone is driving badly they might but I don't think police have checkpoints for this.

Very good question.
For example I would mainly place them at locations such as the city Bridge or near the parker tunnel. And also IT AINT A SEARCH. ITS TO SEE IF IT IS IN THERE SYSTEM. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SEARCHING EM.
This will just cause salt over people saying random searches from cops. I think it isn't needed as searching them just for being in a certain area is a tad silly.
Again let me repeat. I did not say searches....... not at any point did I say they would be searched. I said police would roleplay using a breathlizar nothing more.
So last time you made a checkpoint that I was next to, you got me, and yourself killed. This will just ruin fun and people will lose a lot of money because they have fast cars and can speed hitting your car so they have to repair it. The map is to small to try place one, and Leo's will find a way to get around and exploit this.
Yeah I think this is a really bad idea as its just going to mess around with the role play and cause people to get killed.
Just a question, would this give complete power to LEOs to breathalyse anyone without having reasonable belief that they are under the influence of drink or drugs? In the UK, the Police don't have the power to force someone to do a breathalyser test unless they have reasonable belief that they are impaired through drink or drugs, ie, smell of alcohol.
After a recent, what I will now call, incident with one of your checkpoints, I seriously disagree with this. This implies that you will be allowed to have a checkpoint on the highway and the last time that happened, it nearly lead to our deaths and caused accident after accident. The only reason you should ever have to conduct a checkpoint, or multiple, if is there was a really dangerous criminal on the loose in, let's say, suburbs. In THIS case, it would be reasonable to lock down the suburbs area, maybe trying to find information on anyone who even attempts to leave the area as you have reasonable suspicion that they could be related to the known criminal in that area. Yet, it could still be questioned if they were in the wrong for refusing the search. So, after looking into a situation where you could set up checkpoints, you can see that the criteria is very specific, as of now, making it hard to have reason to set one up and that Is how I think it should stay just because it will slow down role play and is really unnecessary. Having alcohol checkpoints isn't very useful as you may as well have a unit patrol that area and look for cars driving in a manner that they seem drunk and then the unit can pull them over, it takes less time to set up and will mean no props will be needed to be placed down, avoiding accidents.
I honestly don't trust that most officers, including yourself, will be able to set up safe and efffective check point without resulting in the deaths of yourself and probably the first car in the line if not the inevitable second who runs into all of you. Maybe if we could train everyone on how to do it properly but we can't.
No change needs to be made for what you're proposing.

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