Adrish, Nade, CaptainCoon

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: A1L / Nicolas Maas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Eyjuanel Chapo & Kanna Kemo & CaptainCoon
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76440963 & STEAM_0:0:70753923 &
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 3.4, 3.21, 5.1. Nade --> Gunpoints me in public for no reason, steals my car. As well as killing my friends who was hardly involved, when was getting a gun out of storage, just rdms him. Adrish ---> Takes my firearms after I was mugged / assisted in the mugging, tells a sweater at the end of the video to shoot and kill me. CaptainCoon --> Batting me for no reason, rdming me for no reason.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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I didn't attack you, all I did was take a gun I found on the floor. If you think that's a mugging then I don't know what to say to you. I didn't force you to drop it.
Gotcha, though I need you to respond within 24 hours please. Unless you have a good reason why you can't.
kinda forgot what happened, i think i just wanted his car to be honest, was done in a realistic manor

Nade will receive a punishment for mugging you in a public area. Adrish involvement was minor as he only helped transporting the items and wasn't directly involved in the mugging itself; therefore won't receive a punishment. CaptainCoon will be banned for rdm.
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