Short explanation (in notes)
-when the mayor recives city funds the funds are stored in the safe in the mayor's office
-a player becomes a transporter via an NPC at the bank and has the ability to spawn in a armoured van to the parking lot of the bank (spawn system like with the cop cars)
-here the transportees come into place: a group of 2 transporters get a armoured van (simular to the SWAT van) and drive it to the City Hall. They go in the mayor's office and press e on the safe, the city funds ( in the form of a suitcase) go into the player's inventory. He then drops the suitcase into the van and drives it to the bank. When he comes to the bank he parks, presses e on the van with his fists out to get the suitcase out and picks it up and transports the funds to the vault (he takes the suitcase to the vault and drops it there).
Detailed description (why it should be added)
This way of transporting city funds would be more realistic than the way we have now.
Aditional notes:
-the transporters have the voice goverment radio so they can communicate with the cops and the other goverment jobs
-while transporting the van is escorted by police 2 police cruisers
-the bank truck is robbable, though police escort can notify and warn any civilian viechles if they are too close, if they dont back off they face arrest or death
-the transporters are armed with glocks and an MP5
-if the job is abused the abuser gets punished
Optional additions:
-a armoured van simoular to the swat van with a "XQ Bank" logo (preferably add)
-transporter uniform skin( preferably add)
-when the mayor recives city funds the funds are stored in the safe in the mayor's office
-a player becomes a transporter via an NPC at the bank and has the ability to spawn in a armoured van to the parking lot of the bank (spawn system like with the cop cars)
-here the transportees come into place: a group of 2 transporters get a armoured van (simular to the SWAT van) and drive it to the City Hall. They go in the mayor's office and press e on the safe, the city funds ( in the form of a suitcase) go into the player's inventory. He then drops the suitcase into the van and drives it to the bank. When he comes to the bank he parks, presses e on the van with his fists out to get the suitcase out and picks it up and transports the funds to the vault (he takes the suitcase to the vault and drops it there).
Detailed description (why it should be added)
This way of transporting city funds would be more realistic than the way we have now.
Aditional notes:
-the transporters have the voice goverment radio so they can communicate with the cops and the other goverment jobs
-while transporting the van is escorted by police 2 police cruisers
-the bank truck is robbable, though police escort can notify and warn any civilian viechles if they are too close, if they dont back off they face arrest or death
-the transporters are armed with glocks and an MP5
-if the job is abused the abuser gets punished
Optional additions:
-a armoured van simoular to the swat van with a "XQ Bank" logo (preferably add)
-transporter uniform skin( preferably add)