AK-47 OR M4

AK 0R M4

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Recently I was caught up in a raid, and then we had to grab as many weapons as possible so i saw an M4 and an AK-47, I just grabbed the AK as its more expensive, but I decided to make a poll to found out which one you guys think is better.
Depends on which weapon you're best at and whether you wanted to sell it or keep it. If you wanted to sell it then the AK is a good choice. If you wanted the "Better weapon" to shoot with then the M4 is better in my opinion. (More Accurate)
AK-47 is nice for defending and raiding.

When the Markmanship update came. I used an AK it was shit it had high recoil. Suggest you get your Markmanship level for Rifle higher as it lowers recoil and some other things idk what. But yea as @Walker said its your "Personal preference".
I'd really have to go with the AK47.

After pulling apart the code for the Firearms Source weapons pack, I found that the AK47 does more DPS than the M4. The M4 pumps out more lead in a second, but the AK47's bullets pack-a-better-punch.
Personally I use both.

You have to remember if you struggle raiding changing guns wont change a lot. Raiding is not all about your aim, although it is inportant, but your movement. Your general awareness and knowing where people might be. I think about what I would do if I was defending.

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Personally, i suck with both so i generally just grab which ever one is closest because i know as soon as i grab it i'll end up loosing it in the near future.
(I only use guns to make me look part of the group :( )
I use both really, it all depends on my mood, and what kind of situation, Bank Raids, Defending bases, Raiding bases etc.

Raids: I just love using the SAKO, the gun is OP it self, and its cheap, so I couldn't care less if I lost it in a raid etc.

Defending Bases: I use the AK, since its just amazing, and I never really lose a ''raid'' so its good to have a strong gun to defend with etc, so I personally use the AK to defend bases.

Bank Raid: I normally use the M4 or the AK, because I just like both lol. But for me, it depends on the situation on what gun im using.

But they are all good really.
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I'd use the M4A1 with aimpoint, anpeq laser pointer, flashlight and flash hider. That way I kill everyone, k?
It's down to personal preference and your rifle marksmanship.
My personal preference is the M4 over the AK47 due to its less recoil compared to it. If it was close-quarters combat then I would consider the AK47. If I were to use an AK for Medium to Long-range firefights, I'd choose the AK101 over the AK47.
AK47 shreds through SWAT so I prefer it, although I find myself using the M4A1 more often because it has lower recoil and is great with level 100 marksmanship. Comes down to preferance I guess, but I'd choose the AK47 overall anyway.

AK74-U is also cool.
I personally prefer the M4 when using it mid range and sometimes long range, the sight on it is also better (imo). But I find myself often spraying down cops easily with the AK.

I reckon if you are going into close combat, use the ak -> more damage. Or if mid-long range - M4
Well, when i was level 15 i found myself underestimating the recoil on an AK alot, which in turn led me to only tapping with it.
I'd say use M4 when you're a lower level so you can spray properly.
When you reach level 40 i'd say try use AK more often.