Suggestion Title: Allow other players to repair your vehicle
Suggestion Description: As it stands, you cannot repair other people's vehicles at the RC NPC. This is the case even when you have keys to someone else's vehicle. I'm suggesting that we allow anyone to fix any vehicle at the RC NPC.
This could be done similar to the refueling system, where a prompt comes up asking you which vehicle you would like to repair.
Why should this be added?:
- Convenience
- Realism
- Stops situations where you damage a friend's car and are unable to fix it
What negatives could this have?:
- People fixing vehicles during police chases?
- Dev time for something relatively minor
What problem would this suggestion solve?: - Stops situations where you damage a friend's car and are unable to fix it.

Suggestion Description: As it stands, you cannot repair other people's vehicles at the RC NPC. This is the case even when you have keys to someone else's vehicle. I'm suggesting that we allow anyone to fix any vehicle at the RC NPC.
This could be done similar to the refueling system, where a prompt comes up asking you which vehicle you would like to repair.
Why should this be added?:
- Convenience
- Realism
- Stops situations where you damage a friend's car and are unable to fix it
What negatives could this have?:
- People fixing vehicles during police chases?
- Dev time for something relatively minor
What problem would this suggestion solve?: - Stops situations where you damage a friend's car and are unable to fix it.