Suggestion Title: Allow players to choose courier delivery or a store pickup.
Suggestion Description: I'm making this suggestion to suggest the Courier job / Delivery app be changed a tad to allow players to choose between getting their orders delivered or being able to pick them up at a store as if there wasn't a courier on.
Why should this be added?:
- I believe this should be added because it can save people a LOT of time, personally when I'm ordering materials for a large order it's faster to just run to the store to grab materials, when couriers are on my time spent getting materials is tripled because they tend to take so long, or there's new players who don't know what they're doing / where they're going, and players should have the ability to choose between waiting if they'd like or being able to pick up their order(s).
To make up for any pay changes from orders, a percentage could be taken from pick-up orders and paid to the couriers.
What negatives could this have?:
- Could impact new courier's abilities to learn the map if majority of people choose pick-up over waiting for a delivery.
- Could impact courier's pay if majority of people choose pick-up.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: New couriers / minging couriers / couriers who prioritize large orders over smaller orders taking forever to deliver packages to those who need to order a lot of materials, or avoid making people wait for their order(s) when they intended to pick it up from a shop and wait there.
Suggestion Description: I'm making this suggestion to suggest the Courier job / Delivery app be changed a tad to allow players to choose between getting their orders delivered or being able to pick them up at a store as if there wasn't a courier on.
Why should this be added?:
- I believe this should be added because it can save people a LOT of time, personally when I'm ordering materials for a large order it's faster to just run to the store to grab materials, when couriers are on my time spent getting materials is tripled because they tend to take so long, or there's new players who don't know what they're doing / where they're going, and players should have the ability to choose between waiting if they'd like or being able to pick up their order(s).
To make up for any pay changes from orders, a percentage could be taken from pick-up orders and paid to the couriers.
What negatives could this have?:
- Could impact new courier's abilities to learn the map if majority of people choose pick-up over waiting for a delivery.
- Could impact courier's pay if majority of people choose pick-up.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: New couriers / minging couriers / couriers who prioritize large orders over smaller orders taking forever to deliver packages to those who need to order a lot of materials, or avoid making people wait for their order(s) when they intended to pick it up from a shop and wait there.