Server Suggestion Allow players to place more objects as props.

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Suggestion Title: Allow players to place more objects as props.
Suggestion Description: Before the recent update, if you wanted to place an item that isn't a prop as a prop, you'd have to use a cash register to drop the item for sale, position it where you want, and then remove the price and name of the object so there isn't a floating text above it, and it is frozen in place. However, after the update, apart from actual props, you can only place materials using your inventory. Although I enjoy this change, it also made it impossible for you to place objects in the aforementioned way using a cash register without having the floating text above it.

My suggestion has two ways of solving this problem:

Have the old way of placing props alongside the new. This would probably save on development time, but it would be very inconvenient to use and would be very confusing for newer players.

Add a new keybind for placing certain items (like weapons and consumables) as props. This would make home design a lot easier and would allow for creative decor.

Although I imagine the second option would be more difficult to code, I believe we could use the first option until the developers are done coding a new way to place props.

Why should this be added?:
- Would allow players to get creative with the design of their homes.

What negatives could this have?:
- Just look at the image.
- I'm not so sure why they even removed this feature in the first place, but if any of you can think of any negatives I will be sure to include them in this post.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: I can no longer hang up my fish or gun on the wall.

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I dont think the Image example provided here really makes this seem like a sound idea...

The ability to place items as props could well be good, Maybe instead of cash registers though we could get a new item. Maybe something like the silly unusable item frame item we have could put up a UI That says whether or not the dropped item should be dropped as a prop or not? Or maybe an Item that makes sense.
I have attempted to decorate a shop, and it was really frustrating to find that something that worked for so long is broken. And adding details to builds is a really nice touch. I don't see why it shouldn't still work via cash register.

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