Server Suggestion Allow Specialist+ FF/Medic equivalent to demote

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Suggestion Title: Allow Specialist+ FF/Medic equivalent to demote
Suggestion Description: Allow Specialist FF+ and the medic equivalent to demote people in their respective jobs below their rank. Having them able to manage their departments allows for better job assurance and you wont get a medic that takes 40 minutes to get a body.

Right now we have to rely on PD to demote medics and FF's who dont do their job. If they break rules well thats staff but if they just dont do their job then we're sorta out of options.

This is NOT a blacklist, it is just a demote. Further safeguards could be a cooldown on the ability to demote.

Why should this be added?:
- A supervisor isn't a guarantee and not all people are rule breakers.
- Makes high ranking positions a slightly more supervisor role over each department.

What negatives could this have?:
- Can be abused. However it took me 70-90 hours to get specialist ff. its going to filter out alot of abusers.
- Could deter some from going those jobs who want to get away from PD.
This is jus a job kick basically I should clarify. If people think it can be abused then a 30 minute cooldown might be a good idea. I want to hear peoples opinions why they hate it so much however.
On paper this is a good idea, but if you get into the bare bones of what the “ranking” system is on these jobs, it’s entirely a recipe for disaster.

You are not in any real position of authority because you ground xp doing simply what is expected from you in an in game job. Specialist medic / FF roles don’t take all too much work to grind for, and moderating this would be a massive pain. The reason police supervisors are able to do this is because they are in a manually whitelisted and incredibly moderated position of power.

Furthermore, Most players don’t have as much tolerance levels for newer players. This permission was taken away from the mayor some time ago due to misuse, from blatantly demoting people for mundane reasons or because they were still learning, all the way up to full blown power trips where mayors attempted to overrule officers for no good reason.

Dealing with reports of “false demotion” allegations would be a pain to deal with, especially if neither party is able to provide evidence relating to the situation. There is no proposition for a presiding body to regulate the use of this feature in the same way the PD currently has, or any suggestion on guidelines for using this feature and establishing systems to prevent its misuse is completely unnecessary when the current system works fine.

The reason the Police are the only people who can demote government employees is because they are law enforcement and this tool is essential when enforcing laws.

Anyone who currently doesn’t have the power to demote someone from a job doesn’t need the power and has not proven to anyone that they are able to be entrusted with this power.

Tl;dr: Medic / FF ranks aren’t real, And entrusting people with what is currently a manually whitelisted permission because they played a job as expected and were able to grind XP from an automated system is entirely a recipe for disaster.
On paper this is a good idea, but if you get into the bare bones of what the “ranking” system is on these jobs, it’s entirely a recipe for disaster.

You are not in any real position of authority because you ground xp doing simply what is expected from you in an in game job. Specialist medic / FF roles don’t take all too much work to grind for, and moderating this would be a massive pain. The reason police supervisors are able to do this is because they are in a manually whitelisted and incredibly moderated position of power.

Furthermore, Most players don’t have as much tolerance levels for newer players. This permission was taken away from the mayor some time ago due to misuse, from blatantly demoting people for mundane reasons or because they were still learning, all the way up to full blown power trips where mayors attempted to overrule officers for no good reason.

Dealing with reports of “false demotion” allegations would be a pain to deal with, especially if neither party is able to provide evidence relating to the situation. There is no proposition for a presiding body to regulate the use of this feature in the same way the PD currently has, or any suggestion on guidelines for using this feature and establishing systems to prevent its misuse is completely unnecessary when the current system works fine.

The reason the Police are the only people who can demote government employees is because they are law enforcement and this tool is essential when enforcing laws.

Anyone who currently doesn’t have the power to demote someone from a job doesn’t need the power and has not proven to anyone that they are able to be entrusted with this power.

Tl;dr: Medic / FF ranks aren’t real, And entrusting people with what is currently a manually whitelisted permission because they played a job as expected and were able to grind XP from an automated system is entirely a recipe for disaster.
The enforcing law statement is actually a very valid point and one I didn't think of. I think 50-70 hours is a huge undertaking but thats just me so I see your point. It just sucks having to rely on the cops and admins all the time especially when most of the play time they arent avalible.

But I make these suggestions to get others peoples feedback and opinions and what you said Bnej is exactly why, things I never thought of coming to light that makes more sense why its a bad idea.

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