Description of the idea: Add an ally chat for organisations, maybe /ally.
Why should this be added? (pros): It will be a good way to get in contact with allies and create friendships between players in each organisation. This will be useful if your getting raided as well and need some backup or need to organise a meeting between allies, bank raids e.c.t
What negatives could this have? (cons): I cant think of any, feel free to drop any in the comments if you think of one.
*Other additions: N/A
*Images: N/A
Why should this be added? (pros): It will be a good way to get in contact with allies and create friendships between players in each organisation. This will be useful if your getting raided as well and need some backup or need to organise a meeting between allies, bank raids e.c.t
What negatives could this have? (cons): I cant think of any, feel free to drop any in the comments if you think of one.
*Other additions: N/A
*Images: N/A