[Suggestion] Organisation Ally Function

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South Wales, United Kingdom
Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/discussion-organisation-ally-function.34907/

Main Idea: Add a function where organisation leaders can invite other organisations to be allies.

Full description of the idea:

The general idea of this suggestion is to add a function within the organisation menu where the leaders of organisations can see a list of active organisations (based on the leader who made the organisation being connected) with this a leader of an org can invite the leader of the second org to become allies which can be accepted or rejected by the leader of the second org. When an organisation has been invited and accepted as an ally organisation the organisations members of both organisations are able to:

  • See the organisation above peoples heads (like currently members of the same organisation can see)
  • When allowed to do so by the leader of that org to see and take from the organisation storage.
  • Utilize other organisation features such as team speak when allowed to do so.

Why should it be added?:

I think this could open up some cool opportunities for organisations. Organisations that ally with each other at the moment have no way of knowing which people are members of the allied organisation which can cause issues during combat scenarios where you may end up shooting someone who was your ally purely by mistake. This function will not only allow organisations to ally, but it will also allow organisations to share resources with each other, such as: the storage, team-speak etc...

  • Allows organisation members that work with other organisations while on the server to see who the members of the other organisation are.
  • Opens up possibilities of teamwork.
Allows organisations to partner in a more beneficial way and allows two organisations to share in resources etc...


*Other additions:

Mentioned by @ayjay ツ as a possible suggestion.
It'd certainly be interesting for opposing organisations to automatically have the organisation name above heads, possibly allowing some form of combat between orgs that choose to take part. The name could display green if you're allied and red if you're in some form of 'war'.

*Images: N/A