Server Suggestion Ammunition Overhaul 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Great Britain
Suggestion Title: Ammunition Overhaul 2: Electric Boogaloo
Suggestion Description: Yes, I know this was already denied, like a long time ago, but I have new ideas.

So at its core, this would replace pistol/rifle/sniper/shotgun ammo with real life calibres, however primarily, it would streamline and speed up ammo production with a new workbench: the reloading bench, because right now, ammo crafting is boring and tedious, and automating it would be a good idea in my opinion.

The reloading bench would be a new workbench in the same style as the workbench or chemical table, in that it has it's own inventory and output which is saved when it's picked up, but it would have the function of creating only ammunition, and when given the correct materials and instructions, would make it basically automatically, so crafters can make large amounts of ammo faster and easier. This, I believe would offset the added complexity of having distinct calibres.

In the reloading bench, brass, metal, cardboard, and gunpowder would be the four materials used, and each calibre would just use a certain amount of those materials per box of ammo. Depending on the power and weight of the cartridge, it'd require different amounts. An example of what I have in mind can be seen below, though I've only added a few calibres as examples, and the values would need balancing. The reloading bench would basically do it for you, and also have a small queue so that you could queue items to craft automatically.

I'd love to hear what the community has to think, as I really do think the current ammo system needs a rework.

Why should this be added?:
Make lower calibre weapon like the makarov or ppk a bit more worth it, as their ammo would be cheaper to produce in comparison to a higher calibre weapon.
Stop making SMGs more expensive to run than full power assault rifles.
Ammo cost is differently factored in to weapon meta, which might mean lower-calibre weapons are more desirable as they're cheaper to run.
The G3 no longer costs 7K per mag for ammo. That gun gets very little use right now cause sniper ammo is only really used in snipers, and not battle rifles.

What negatives could this have?:
Added perceived complexity and barrier to entry for new crafters.
Ammo is... faster to make, and maybe a bit cheaper.
Stuff like the deagle might not be the meta anymore, as it would cost a bit more for it's ammo, given how much powder is in .50AE
I'm sure there's a bunch more I can't really think of, so I'd like to hear feedback on this.

Useful Images:

This would just horrifically over complicate things to a potentially fatal outcome in our new player retention, and it also would require a shit ton of coding, modelling, and naming. It would remove the meta of selling ammo at bazaar entirely as people would feel less inclined to impulse buy ammo since it’s now caliber specific.
This would just horrifically over complicate things to a potentially fatal outcome in our new player retention, and it also would require a shit ton of coding, modelling, and naming. It would remove the meta of selling ammo at bazaar entirely as people would feel less inclined to impulse buy ammo since it’s now caliber specific.
That's why the workbench makes it easier and faster to craft ammo, so it's less complicated. I Still think ammo will be sold at bazaar, but just common calibres like 5.56, 5.45, 7.62, 9mm, 00 Buck and .45acp. That's 90% of the ammo used in most weapons right now anyways, and it makes sense to have calibre specific ammo, especially since the magazines already say what ammo type they take. It makes so little sense to feed the same ammo into a PPK and a Desert Eagle, and right now, the desert eagle and the HK45CT are the pistol meta purely because of their damage.

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