Another One

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On a roll today

Will reupload soon with music kinda forgot.
Also sorry one unarmed guy I thought you were on a defense
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Omg you broke 2.5 at 1:10 shooting on an unarmed person!!! Please ban now!!111 :kappa:

Anyways we know your skills you don't have to be a show off :moron:
Fucking hell.

If you ever became my enemy or hated me, I would quit the server.
Walker, we hit you back hard. So don't fuck with us. We took down all of the members in Parker and Glass Co
Walker, we hit you back hard. So don't fuck with us. We took down all of the members in Parker and Glass Co

Yes thats right you did, it was a fair fight...../sarcasm
It had like a few afk people inside that were killed since everybody was out. As you can see on the vid we weren't even aware that a raid was going on and i had no weapon on me at all.

Walker, we hit you back hard. So don't fuck with us. We took down all of the members in Parker and Glass Co

The first time you raided us in Parker , there were a couple of people inside the base and you caught a couple of us off guard as we were arriving, such a great accomplishment- pat on the back.

The second time you raided us in Parker you attacked with your entire organisation with bombs that did nothing besides open our door, which even a bobby pin could do. You claim you killed loads of us- however you killed 3 of us in the beginning of the raid when we were unprepared- It was harderly a display of power. Once the raid was apparent to the rest of us, you were demolished to say the least.

You've one good shooter in your organisation which is Adour, the rest of the lot are not even intimidating in the slightest. You might claim that Walker did the heavy lifting during the raid, but this simply demonstrates the superiority of our organisation and our allies in comparison to your own.

Also, notice how both times an engagement broke out when both organisations were prepared, you lost.
Walker, we hit you back hard. So don't fuck with us. We took down all of the members in Parker and Glass Co
By the way, most of The Standish Family members went to the PD in order to plan a raid to get Fredy out. Me and @Standish realized that Chow was taking too long so we decided to go back and check what's happening at Parker while most of our men stood waiting at the regals parking. As soon as we got there next thing we knew was about 3 men shooting and getting out with guns. Standish was unarmed because he left his weapon inside my trunk and all I had was a deagle which would barely stand a chance against 3 men with assault rifles shooting at once. Now, when we raided you, you had all your men at the base, and after the bomb went of you were aware that shit was going down. I don't know how, but none of you expected someone to come from the balcony?
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