AR: George Fox

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Spadille / Spadille Harper

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: George Fox / George Fox

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:108264788

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player breached apartment after being told there was a hostage multiple times, It does not appear he was ordered to do so by the incident commander. This is heavily unrealistic (and therefore breaks rule 2.1). Player also broke rule 4.1 (Follow the Law) as they didn't act in accordance with Law 4.2 (Duties of a Law Enforcement Officer).

Evidence :

Note: I would usually have made an IA complaint on something like this, But I have been told the player is Blacklisted from the Police force, but not SWAT.
Right, I was at the situation acting as second in command for the raid on slums apartment 4. The reasoning behind the breaching was initially because you guys had made a few shots outside the door, before even claiming you had hostages. The lieutenant was stripped of options and asked for the opinions of myself and the S.W.A.T. although he did act very quickly without being given the clear order, the fact is that initially we didn't believe you had a hostage inside the property and the likeliness of a breach occurring on the lieutenants order was very high. On the other hand I can see how this could have gone a lot more cleaner as I didn't appreciate getting killed with your good shotgun skills, I just want you to see in the perspective of the cops.
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