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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Scrabuz/Jaden Hartman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: JBiRKSY/Jak Birksy
His/Her SteamID: JBiRKSY STEAM_0:1:68130601
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Jak broke rule 3.4 in this situation, he killed me over a simple traffic stop. As you can see in the beginning, the driver of the blue BMW broke 2 laws, both are infractions (12.3&12.9). When the BMW then stopped at Jennifers, Jak proceeded to shoot and kill me. His actions caused a rather big, and avoidable, situation which went on for quite some time after my NLR timer ran out
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A

It all started at Subs monorail when @JackZ got pulled over by cops and he was handcuffed. @Jay and me were going to the city from Subs storage as we saw Jack handcuffed. We saw this officer (Kirk) talking and Jack saw us aswell. So Jack obviously needed help after Kirk said he was wanted. So after Jay and me killed them we escaped but soonly after Jack his Bugatti SS got spotted again at Bazaar gas station (he was still wanted at the time). TFU @Draxen came this time because he knew we were armed and he pulled up op Jack and gunpointed us. We were following Jack ofcourse because we wanted to cover him + Plus we switched from Zonda to P1. I ran Draxen over and killed him. That’s when Jack switched cars because all the cops knew his Bugatti. So afted that happend Jay and me killed a lot more cops because they all knew us and we had no other cars to switch to so we got in Jack’s BMW. Basicaly every cop was after us for a long time. So when you pulled Jack over he had a perfect reason to kill you (which Jak did instead). After this happend we escaped again.

TLDR: Jack was wanted criminal who escaped the cops and killed a lot of them. Cops knew who he was and which car he was driving. Which when you pulled him over Jak killed you to prevent getting arrested and escaping as his sentences were already at 10Y 10K.
It’s what sossa said, prior to this KOS we had committed several shootouts with cops where we knew jack Young was wanted, I got told to KOS cops subs by jack young because the cop had turned his lights on and it was just after they switched cars so we thought the police were onto jack changing cars we called the KOS not taking any risks.
So you shot Someone without knowing why they stopped you?

@Shay ,@Collier
User has been spoken to,
@JackZ, Next time, Make sure you know the whole story and that they are wanted before calling for kos.​
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