AR on R-flex

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Your Steam/In-game Name: JBiRKSY / Jak Birksy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @R-Flex - Marteinn Tryvergeson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:1:83551931
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, confiscated my AK101 with a mag in the middle of a shoot out which we won and he died in. His POV would be appreciated.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
I was directly involved, Jak was a bit away from us but the cops were all killed before Jak even hit the black screen and the gun was gone when I got to the body.
How is me confiscating your firearm risking my life? I confiscated it because i wasnt able to keep an eye on the firearm.
I was told by @Super_ that R-flex's POV should be provided not mine. I was dead so therefore have no eyes on the gun but we won the raid which was only down the road so I can't get my POV but id love to see his @John Daymon if theres a possibility of getting another mod to handle this I would as I believe you have a biased view towards anyone whos, not me because for some reason you hate me which is unprofessional and really obvious.
Why would my view on you matter in this case, I'm an staff member who doesn't value friends or anything in these situations and I've proven that through my years as one by banning several friends either for longer periods or even permanent.
Nor do I even care about you or have any social opinions on you that should in any way inflict the way anyone would administrate this situation,

Thus I request you once again to release your demo and someone who was watching @R-Flex do this
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