AR on 123/Erik

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Sort of forgot about this but

Your Steam/In-game Name: Wiki/Jemima McGowan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: 123/Erik/Some name from a middle eastern country
His/Her SteamID: ??
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, ran under direct gunpoint and failed to follow my commands to come back. He clearly sold 75k to the DD at this time, I was going to mug him for it and would like him to take it out his bank. He should know much better considering he just came back from a permanent ban.
Evidence (Demo Required):!1sVWQAwQ!PtnxsAzqFeQONqD_QyGCzSpB2Ggyyi4gzrzi2FRZZao - if its not this one please tell me and I will get the correct one.
Tick: 5000
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Basically, I thought it was not right for him to mug me there as it was on the top of the stairs also he put his car in the middle of the road and next to the police station any cops could have got him there as while we could have gone down to the bottom the cops would have seen him.

But then also when I got away I parked up at the hospital and then got my gun out and proceeded to gun point him as well at the same location and he failed to comply and ran straight to the bank machine to put his money away even thought he was getting gun pointed. And then decided to pull a gun on me and trying killing me in front of the hospital but he failed to and I shot him dead. He broke the same rule as me.

I might have broken 3.4 but for me it seemed right as my car was turned on and ready to go and I did get away and he didn't he decided to pull a gun on me thinking it was right.
You never gave me any commands when you pulled a gun, I acted in 3.6 and ran from you as I thought you were going to kill me. Just because I am breaking a rule does not give you the right to break a rule as well and run under gunpoint. You are to fear for your life and you just kept walking, I broke no rules as you were halfway down the stairs and it was not in public view of anyone so I made my move. Unlucky
So it was right for you to do the same thing when I was aiming a gun to your head... I was pulling a gun on you no matter what if I didn't speak cuz I was muted doesn't mean you can run...
@Abdul Did you give me commands? No. Were you going to shoot me? Yes. Like I just said I acted in 3.6 by running
@Abdul Just because you got away doesn't mean you didn't broke 3.4. You RISKED you risked your life by running under gunpoint, just because you never died does not mean it is not a rule breakage.
@Abdul Just told you that I acted in 3.6 by running, I had just gunpointed you, your basic instinct irl would be to run.
If I broke a rule I broke a rule but doesn't mean you have to break it straight after and run to the bank machine and put your money away while being gun pointed.
@Abdul You ran at me with a gun in your hands, I had just gunpointed you and opened fire on you. I acted in 3.6 by running
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