AR on attacker1983

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Code Monkey

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Your Steam/In-game Name:Brandy Martello/ Code Monkey
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Morgan matheson/attacker1983
His/Her SteamID:Not sure
Why Should This Player Be Punished:1.3, Attacker slandered my name and Jay's name in OOC.

He was also stating that was 3.4 in LOOC to the person I was basing with/ involved in the raid with:
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I admit that in that situation i fucked up i just got pissed off as there was nothing you could gain from it you ran into an active shootout (could have heard it) unarmed then when i tried to keep you safe you put your life at risk even more and decided to start shouting for help (would have been safer to just keep quiet i mean why would they "help" you if you weren't being charged with a crime) the reason i was accusing jay was because he said sorry and i thought he was saying sorry as he was the one shouting and i would like to apologise for my actions in this instance as i know they were 100% out of line and i agree with any actions taken against me

(i had just got some bad news during the shootout and couldn't go off the server then and you doing that just tipped me over the edge) again i would like to apologise to you, jay and anyone else who was directly effected as a result of my moment of anger

If there is any way i can make it up to you and anyone else effected please let me know as after the situation i actually felt quite bad about what i did

also for the fact of stating 3.4 in local ooc that was to a cop who was literally charging criminals with a handgun when the safest option would have been stay inside of the apt. and wait for back up as it was just to 2 of us and the criminals had assault rifles,shotguns and god knows what else
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