AR on Ayrton Mead

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Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid*TRADING*/Adrish Malik

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ayrton Mead

His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:64269379

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Basically, he wasn't following my /me commands.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
Clearly the user cannot follow the community rules having seen this person break rules and the amount of ar's posted on him.

In this Ar it is clear that this user has broken the community rules by failing to follow your /me commands.

Overall i will support this due to the fact he clearly ignored your commands.
This here can really ruin your rp, i have decided to +support this as i hate when people do not follow /me commands and stalls the RP.
Well, the first "/me" was not valid as he had a great distance from the car so it is fine. He tried to counter the second "/me" by doing a "/me kicks the door closed" but what he obviously doesn't know is that you cannot counter a "/me" while cuffed and this is the only time he broke the rule. Next time, just reminding him the rule is fine, instead of going "get in" and instantly a report.
The last /me was invalid since he was already in the car and he wouldn't be able to kick the door closed. Giving this a +support. He broke 3.26 over here.
I honestly believe he has broken the rule of 2.1 as he isn't playing realistically, he has a REASONABLE distance to the vehicle to be put in and still walks off after multiple /me's thus breaking the RP as realistically he cannot walk away once being placed in.

I also believe he broke 1.4: causing problems as he is trying to cause a problem at the beginning of the video but it does not help that you adrish did continue to argue with him instead you could've tried to rp it and wait until back at pd to argue it out

my only suggestion for officers next time in NOT to stop dragging him to do the /me as it is realistic enough to keep one hand on the set of cuffs and one hand opening the door at the same time, thus stopping them running away.

Conclusion: I will +Support this AR

I really do think that he should be banned until he has learnt the rules alot more. He is failing to follow simple /me and trying to walk away from armed officers. If he would have got in the car he would have saved himself alot of trouble. For this im giving it a huge +SUPPORT!
After looking over this Action Request I can reveal that I am going to be supporting it.

As seen in the evidence provided there was a clear ignorance to the /me and so the user was in breach of 3.26. It has been brought up that the user was not a reasonable distance from the car however the Officer was and the officer was dragging the suspect and so in an easy grab of the arm and throw, the suspect would have got into the car.

The user did indeed break 3.26, however I'd like to just inform you that the first attempt was invalid as you can see by your partner dragging him away from you as you made the /me, however near the end you placed him inside of the vehicle and he still ignored you.

User will be given a One Week ban due to his high amount of bans in a short period of time.
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