AR on Brandy Martello aka mr big bullecks

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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name: MoonTheGoon / Tom Henderson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Brandy Martello / Code Monkey
His/Her SteamID: I'll get it tomorrow when i'm not half asleep.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Basically he threatened to kill me even though he punched me first, so i punched him back and when i put my gun in passive stance to tell him to stop and kind of say back off you're not gonna kill me, he claimed i gun pointed him. I don't see how he benefited from killing me thus breaking 3.4. 3.4 states that it 'putting your life at risk should be for a beneficial reason'? i see no beneficial reason here.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
As you can see we got in a fist fight, you pulled out a gun on me which gives me every right to kill you. This is very clearly not 3.4.
You are very stubborn yes, yes. Please state the beneficial reason you had from killing me? other then taking my M4 which you so desperately wanted.
Maybe because you physically assaulted me and threatened to kill me? I am done with this conversation. Let a staff member deal with it. Thanks.

Code Monkey started the situation by pushing Moon around, then started to swing towards him causing Moon to start punching too. You said you would kill him if he were to punch you, he showed you his gun (and did not point it at you) yet you think that was enough to kill him?

2.5 Excessive Negativity - That's the rule you are in violation of. You started the fight, he showed his gun as you threatened his life. Then you gunned him down in the middle of bazaar.
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