AR on Chrissy

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Your Steam/In-game Name: lelios1 / Johnathan Rock

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Chrissy / Chris Duddles

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52808492

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Breaking 11.4 as he had no right to search me (first video) + 1.2 verbal abusing me (second video) leading to him breaking rule 4.1.
So we start from me and some other people being at jennifers. Chrissy shows up with @AySanta and they see fatima breaking a glass. Ayjay gives her a ticket and chrissy sees me and another friend of mine coming downstairs. He immediately takes his cuffs out and ask us to turn around. As I don't remember doing anything I comply. He later searches us for the reason that "He heard someone breaking 1.2 by swearing". Even if someone broke 1.2 WHICH NOONE DID he should of have just given the person a ticket, not cuffing all the people that were inside and search them. Then he finds out that I have a mac-11 on me. Once I start telling him that he had no right to search us he drags me and forces me inside his car and takes me to the holding cell for no reason. 1-2 minutes pass and they come back. We later have a discussion and that leads (second video) to chrissy dragging me inside the holding cell AGAIN and ayjay giving me a false ticket for calling the LT sweater cop and not cooperating. Now how is it verbal abuse telling someone sweater cop and where exactly did I NOT cooperate? Also chrissy broke law 1.2 (and that leading to rule 4.1) by saying: "some fuck was annoying us" (or something similar which he was referring to me) and "stop crying like a little bitch".

Evidence (Demo Required): 1 video:!ocgFxAKB!QCXNmIcBe2oHvjDGe1g_E3wRxkcJgV8j4DITgrzf0VE
2 video:!JNgkSRwJ!aL2XPptT5LQQ7VIT36hUHvxlcn8EtrZkiRADvL3pKpE

Tick: first video: 64500
second video: 3950

If you want to hear my voice enable voice_loopback it should work.
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All of my actions were within the law as 11.4 doesn't apply since you were in custody already. By your same logic, there is no legal basis to search someone going to jail. You were taken to the holding cell because of your attitude and behaviour. The addition of the holding cell into the map allows me to give you a hard time without need for a ticket.

The only illegal actions here (sorry to chuck you in lad) was AyJays ticket as you didn't break 1.2 since you were in a private place. Not public.

I'll be honest, I think you're pretty silly if you think I'd even dare to do anything questionable at the moment given a previous successful AR.

Typed up on phone, sorry for any typos.
A guy verbal abused inside the store so he ninja cuffed me and 2 other friends. I was just buying a suit there. He searched me off of 'verbal abuse' even though I wasn't using my mic and he took my beretta that was on me and gave me a 1k ticket. He wouldn't have known I had it if he didn't search me off of such a lame thing like verbal abuse.
All of my actions were within the law as 11.4 doesn't apply since you were in custody already. By your same logic, there is no legal basis to search someone going to jail. You were taken to the holding cell because of your attitude and behaviour. The addition of the holding cell into the map allows me to give you a hard time without need for a ticket.

The only illegal actions here (sorry to chuck you in lad) was AyJays ticket as you didn't break 1.2 since you were in a private place. Not public.

I'll be honest, I think you're pretty silly if you think I'd even dare to do anything questionable at the moment given a previous successful AR.

Typed up on phone, sorry for any typos.
I really don't see your logic here chrissy. Nothing personal but with what you said, every cop can just take people in custody and search them. Why would you even cuff the first place when you thought that someone broke 1.2. Was cuffing everyone necessary? Ask the NPCs inside if they heard anyone swearing and maybe give a ticket to someone. You though, took unnecessary decisions by cuffing us just because you thought you heard someone being disrespectful.
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I yelled 'chris sucks' or something and they both rushed to the store and started cuffing and searching anyone for no apparant reason really. As this comment only broke 1.2 and would've never harmed anyone, I don't see why he thought it was needed to cuff and search everyone on scene.
I yelled 'chris sucks' or something and they both rushed to the store and started cuffing and searching anyone for no apparant reason really. As this comment only broke 1.2 and would've never harmed anyone, I don't see why he thought it was needed to cuff and search everyone on scene.

"Chris is a fag"

I was legally justified in searching you, so I did so. Officers should take every single chance to search people when legally justified because you never know what will come from it. As it turns out, both of you were committing offences by possessing weapons in public so one up to the PLPD.

I'll be honest this shouldn't be an AR, make a supervisor complaint as the actions were legal, your issue really lies with our conduct.


What evidence did @Chrissy have that this person broke 1.2? I didn't hear a word muttered prior to them being searched, Chrissy's excuse was that @lelios1 was 'arrested' but no appropiate evidence was gathered prior to him being searched it seems like he just did it for the fun of it.

Someone swears (or does not) so they're searched right there in the open and when they complain about it they get taken to the holding cell? What did the person actually say to verbally abuse someone @Chrissy and what gave you the right to search him right there. You didn't even take him to the PD before searching him, you randomly said he broke 1.2 and then searched him right there out in the open. Seems a little fishy to me. But if Chrissy can justify this, then I guess it's fine.
We cant open the demo please upload another one
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