AR on Chrissy

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United Kingdom, Southampton
As you can see he shot her/his car for a simple car accident. Instead of just gun pointing him/her he decided to shoot until the tires are popped. He broke 4.1 and should be punished for it. Also, When he gets into the car and laughs it kind of gives the idea of him just trying to annoy him/her and make him/her angry.Also, can i just mention you didn't tap his car you smashed his car and the speed enforcers car, but this changes nothing @Chrissy still broke rules. +support
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Chrissy and co obviously appear here to me in breaking the rules, no chances was given on trying to escape and obviously it was minor hence it was a ticket, Chrissy also being an ex moderator and police board should know how to conduct himself and play the role in a good manor, everyone that has made the comment on Chris has too much pressure from Jordan's rank and saying that he did do the job correctly come across to me as being biased.
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Let's start this off.

Firstly, from the video shown I cannot get a view of the situation from all angles needed to give a correct judgement on the situation, on two occasions you seem to be placing two officers lives at risk with your vehicle, again this is difficult to judge with the low quality video.

Secondly, initially from your point of view you have provided it does indeed seem like @Chrissy has over reacted to the situation, however like I said this is hard to judge without his point of view.

Third, before I come to a conclusion I would like to see a point of view from @Chrissy to determine if his actions were justified, which at the moment they do not.

Fourth, There is a lot more angles to view the situation and I would like it if everyone could stop giving opinions without having the full story.

Fifth, I have gained some insight into the views from other staff members and they agree that so far the action taken was unjustified.

Finally, I don't want people to think that @Chrissy will receive any special treatment, he won't if the investigation proves @Chrissy is at fault he will be dealt with fairly and equally, what I would like to point out to you all is the sheer amount of hard work and dedication @Chrissy has placed into the Paralake Police Department.


Staff handling this action request will also be liaising with the Police Department to investigate this action request as it could involve action taken regarding the players rank. Thanks for taking the time in creating this. A verdict will be given in due course by a staff member! Thank you for everyone's input.

EDIT: It seems a minority of people are failing to understand my post. The administration team are dealing with this Action Request, not me. However, as it involves a senior member of the Police Department, action may have to be taken regarding their rank so I will be working with the staff team to best the outcome of this action request.
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We have came to the conclusion that @Chrissy's actions were unjustified, before we go ahead and deal with this we are requesting a demo from his point of view to fully determine what happened.

We will give @Chrissy 48 hours to show his version of events surrounding the situation, after this time if no evidence is shown he will be issued a punishment from our side.
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I made the pyramids whilst waiting for the video to upload, if you're going to give me a dumb rating please reconsider and go for creative instead. They took a lot of time (10 seconds).
Let's start this off by saying I'm sorry we couldn't resolve this in character and it's a shame it has to come to an action request.
you were right about that.

I'd also like to say that I hold some of your comments, especially those regarding @Jordan in utmost contempt. Jordan has been working just as hard, if not harder than me on stuff to do with the upcoming whitelist. He has absolutely nothing to do with this and I think that the bandwagon needs to slow down a little. I do not either appreciate the fact that the majority of the respondents to this thread have attempted to look at this objectively. Even if I was struggling with my position due to workload, I have full divisions of ranked officers to delegate tasks to, and more importantly it wouldn't be an excuse for any breach of the rules.

Next, @Tom Hill. You've pissed me off.


You're well known amongst people for being an annoying and immature player and given your track record within the police, I fail to see why anyone still bothers to defend you In the situation you are referring to you were simply getting in the way. You were being idiotic and failing to leave the scene when I had asked you to. Nobody had asked you to take photos, and nor was there any need to. You only whipped your camera out when I asked everyone to leave. Funny that.

Nevertheless, that is not the topic of this action request so onto the issue in hand;
I'd like to bring up your attitude and behaviour in the situation as an aggravating factor as my video shows below. You constantly swore and attempted to undermine me during the situation.
Then, we move onto the crux of the issue; me shooting up your car. You will notice from the video that I didn't begin shooting your vehicle until you drove forward towards myself and my partner. My partner was out of view of myself and you were accelerating towards him. Given that you'd just been mouthing off and rammed our vehicle I believed you intended to run us over. Simple as that really. Had you stopped your car, as any normal person would have done after ramming a police vehicle then I wouldn't have shot at you.
I would also like to point out that I have every right to discharge my weapon under the rules just as long as I can justify it from an in character point of view. Due to the reasons listed above I believe my actions were indeed justifiable.
If this fact is disputed by anyone, I will gladly discuss it elsewhere as it essentially creates a situation where officers may only shoot if under attack, not if they are under what they think is an imminent attack.

In addition to this, I will be asking a staff member to take action around your behaviour by taking it OOC straight away. It slows things down and is just rude.

The only people I would like to apologise to are the staff members for having to deal with the mini-riot the bandwagon around this has caused. It's like #fuckoff all over again, @Trande.

I would like to say that regardless of the outcome of this action request, I will gladly accept any questions surrounding my justifications over steam, PM or Teamspeak. Also, thanks for making this AR. It's helped us work out what the relationship between the staff team and the PD is.

Finally, thank you to @LEWIS 088 and @Jordan for dealing with this fairly and impartially.

Perhaps the staff team isn't corrupt after all :moron:

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After a long discussion with other members of the staff team about the situation and reviewing the video posted from @Chrissy's point of view, we have decided that his actions were totally unjustified. However I can see how Chrissy reacted in the situation, from his video it seems he was about to be ran over from his perspective which is why he pulled out his gun, that is where he should have stopped and thought about his actions.

Shooting the vehicle with the suspect inside was completely unnecessary, from the perspective from the other officers and the suspect it is clear that the woman was simply trying to get out and accidentally rammed the officer vehicle, after hitting the vehicle the suspect no longer posed any immediate danger to anyone and stopped the vehicle, I can understand with the initial shot being fired in defence, however see no reason whatsoever to have continued firing.

What you should all remember is that this was a mistake by a well mannered and respected member of the community, this member of the community has put hundreds of hours into making this community a better place to play, he made a mistake and will obviously be punished for it.

As you all can probably agree this is totally out of character for Chris, therefore I have came to the conclusion that @Chrissy will be punished for his actions via a written warning on his record.
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