AR on Code Monkey

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Reaction score
Straight outta Racxes pedophile basement
Your Steam/In-game Name: Illuminathan | Nathan Burned
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey | Brandy Martello
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Metagaming - Nametags are out of character which he used in-character to gain an advantage over me.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: @Samuel
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Posted for codemonkey

There was one cop left and I heard you inside, and regardless if the door was open there would be light inside where I'd be able to see you, however I also believe the van would've been locked so it's beyond me how you got into a locked van.
Posted for codemonkey

There was one cop left and I heard you inside, and regardless if the door was open there would be light inside where I'd be able to see you, however I also believe the van would've been locked so it's beyond me how you got into a locked van, it's just sad to see how salty people are these days with how pathetic they can be with AR's.
Sure enough you can think that it's pathethic of someone making an AR every now and then however if someone thinks that they witnessed a player breaking the rules of the server they are doing what they're supposed to do, report you and then leave it to us instead of sitting in OOC whining about it. It's just sad to see how people get the wrong view of an action request instead of having players sit and cry in OOC.
@|RC| Code Monkey, provide your POV,

and regardless if the door was open there would be light inside where I'd be able to see you
Not how it works, provide evidence that you had reasonable suspicion of a player being inside the van.
Never asked for a demo, I asked for your POV.

If you do not post a tick within 24 hours, then we will go with the provided evidence from @Illuminathan

Posted for code

Samuel, it is not my responsibility to open up my gmod and start recording. I have better things to do then deal wtih petty bullshit. You have the demo and if you want my POV, find it yourself.
Posted for code

Samuel, it is not my responsibility to open up my gmod and start recording. I have better things to do then deal wtih petty bullshit. You have the demo and if you want my POV, find it yourself.
It is your responsibility to follow rule 1.4, wether you fucking like it or not, stop being a lazy bum and do it.
It is your responsibility to follow rule 1.4, wether you fucking like it or not, stop being a lazy bum and do it.

Posted for code

1.4 states:
If a staff member requests information about an incident, users must respond honestly and without omission. PERPHeads uses an automatic demo recording feature which is not to be disabled or tampered with at any time; recordings will be available in garrysmod/demos. If a staff member requests a demo file, and that demo file was recorded within the last 21 days, you are obligated to upload it (i.e. users may safely delete demos which are older than 21 days). It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there is enough disk space on the drive that Garry's Mod is installed on to ensure that demos record. Staff members must give user’s a minimum of 24 hours to allow the user to find the specific evidence needed for the situation.

Don't come at me with this bullshit. Read the rule

Edit: READ THIS: If a staff member requests a demo file, and that demo file was recorded within the last 21 days,you are obligated to upload it

There was one cop left and I heard you inside
So I guess that's why you aimed directly at him.

and regardless if the door was open there would be light inside where I'd be able to see you
That is not how it works in perp, so it can not be your justification. There is no light inside the van unless you have a flashlight.
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