AR on D3Lux

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jeffer Cake/ Jeffrey Geeza
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3lux / Chris Anderson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25015916
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 4.14, Ignoring a admin, ignoring traffic laws and lying about me entering bank.

Pretty much, I got detained for walking onto a crime scene; didn't see a block on the pavement just saw road spikes (Also I got 0 warning before being detained) After being detained, he then walked me to a wall and searched me, when he says he is going to search me, I tell him I am legally transporting my pistol. I understand when he told me he searched me and to drop the weapon I didn't, but I knew the second I dropped my weapon he would confiscate it and completely disregard 4.14, like he continued to do.

The reason I had a pistol was that my car boot was full, so I went to the bank to go buy my apartment, realized it was being raided, as soon as I heard the shooting stop I went to look through the bank window to see if it was over; it was, but I still got detained.

Once an admin arrived at the situation he clearly stated 'You may not confiscate a weapon without permission from a higher authority officer' after even hearing this he continued to take my weapon without any authorization with proof from the LT being the only higher authority officer at the time (If SWAT is higher authority then I should of been let go when Matt said I was carrying it legally.) | |. Then I dropped the weapon, he 'bagged evidence' and 'took picture' (confiscates) then he drives me to PD, skipping red light without lights on, then demands me to pay a ticket or be arrested.

I wouldn't usually make AR's because it is more work for staff, but he pissed me off.

EDIT - I deleted this part before finishing it; but just to clarify I walked to see the bank was clear after the shooting stopped and numerous police left the scene. I was going to ask a police officer is it clear but then this happened.

Evidence (Demo Required):

I don't know how to open the demo, if someone can let me know how I open the demo once I'm at this stage I'll be grateful.
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Hello Jeffer,

I have a new policy and promise in which I respond to these as soon as Possible to keep it clean and organised. I therefore am currently investigating the situation. Also if @D3luX could respond that would be great!

First of all, you were on a crime scene when you got arrested. A bank robbery was going on, then i cuffed you and pulled you away, and searched you. After multiple tries, you wouldnt comply to the /me - so and kept ignoring it. Finally when an admin arrives you would comply, and that caused that i confiscated your gun, as the LT was busy, and took you in for "Illegally transporting a gun". When we got to PD you recieved a ticket, and you could proceed. No wrong actions were made.
Firstly I was legal transporting a gun, secondly you said 'I was inside the bank' in game, I was never inside the bank, I was outside on the sidewalk, you never said please leave, there was no barricade at all blocking me, you just detained me and searched me even after I said 'I'm legally transporting a pistol' you continued to ignore me, you used the /me function to search me ONCE then requested for someone to search me | Swat searched me, and you thought they were lying so proceeded to delay RP and wait for an admin to search me.
I believe I also had some issues with either this man or another cop today for multiple reasons, If equired I can check my demos and see who it was to possibly add to this. I was detained for a prolonged time(got let out by tyla) and was pretty much forced out of my vehicle after reaching an area the police had blocked off, I simply asked what was going on and then was asked to get out of the car (without entering the scene or posing threat). Whether this was him or not I can only know from checking.

--EDIT, remember it was the lt who shot me several times for unrealistic reasons --
By going in a bank robbery, you are responsible for every illegal weapon / drugs you have on you if you enter an active crime scene as firstly you are a threat and can be one as you can have a weapon on you and easily shoot down the officers
You risked your own life by going there, breaking 3.4 and sort of 3.6.
As LT is busy and you have a weapon in an active crime scene, you are searched and if you have a pistol you get taken off you as it breaks the law.
Even though you were "Transporting" you still were found with it on an active crime scene. Also @MattIsMadForCod he didn't say he requested a high officer as he didn't say that in the ban request. He simply said he got searched, didn't comply, got an admin and then it continues from there. He broke about 4 rules himself here, and if he doesn't take the AR done he can get in trouble for 3.4, 3.6, 2.1 and /me's
@Jeffer Cake - You have provided the wrong demo, it's just a demo of you AFK. Do you mind reuploading please?
Closed on Users Request after player was banned.
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