Ar on david doman/ Rico Sanchez

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Jamie/Jack Bushross
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: david doman/Benny
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:75696596
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Prop pushing peoples car. Minging

Evidence will be posted below. all videos contain basically both users breaking these rules as listed in there reports.

Your Steam/In-game Name
:Jamie/Jack Bushross
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Zvrooo/ Rico Sanchez
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:160728028
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Prop pushing peoples car. Minging.

Evidence (Demo Required):

i admit that i did proppush, but to my defence half of bazaar was also doing it, 2 people were driving around in bazaar in there cars.
I wouldn't say thats a "defence" both me and Ryan both asked you to stop prop pushing peoples cars. This was then Rico dc'ed straight after I killed him for doing it to pugs car. Shortly after you came back and both started doing it again.
Once Rico Died i went off it was 2am, you asked me to pass the message onto him to ask him to stop so i did, we then tried putting an org members car on the roof because he said it would be funny then i decided to leave.
@Benny122 No you didn't go off. When I ran Rico over for doing it i asked you in LOOC to tell Rico to stop. This can be found in the logs, you also replied with "yhyh" this was closer to the 10:30-11pm times, This was when rico also rejoined shortly later and did started to do it again.

Also if your talking about the one guy doing it in the middle I didn't catch his name he was also effecting no one but himself. You was throwing everyone car on roof tops and into unreachable places. Being constant minges since you guys have came back to the server.
@Jack Bushross might be the case i dont remember exactly what happened, i have asked in F6 for the lags last night so the person dealing with the AR knows it wasnt just me, i think you can also agree there were a lot more people doing AR worthy things like propflying and using props to push people.
Could you send the rest of the clips with the other 4 people doing it, you seem to be the only person that was taking it seriously. Even other cops were having a laugh.
You can see in the videos other people proppushing why you wrote only their names and steamID and make it against them lol ?
I dont have clips of the others. I clipped what I have uploaded. If you would like to AR these people feel free to upload the clips from your demos and report them.
I reported the people who was causing harm to everyone. If you would like to report the other people feel free to use the video's to do so.
@Benny122 I didn't see any prop killing, I was crafting inside my shop to the right. before I pulled up to bazzar you guys was throwing pugs car around for 0 reason. No one was laughing. you was all asked to stop, While the others did you did not. Along with this you was also told by Ryan (the plpd) to stop and also carried on after this. This wasn't "having a laugh" with everyone considering they asked you to stop multiple times. As I stated if you would like to report the others you was doing it with feel free.
@Jack Bushross I did not touch pugs car, you ran over Rico because he did it i just watched you run him over and ran off. I was told to stop proppushing the cop car by the cop who owned it so I didnt touch him again.
if ur talking about me i was literally trying to stop rico from doing dumb shit
i wasnt talking to you
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