AR on Dennis Hess

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Reaction score
Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid*TRADING*/Adrish Malik

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Silence/Dennis Hess (I think not too sure about his IG name)

His/Her SteamID

Why Should This Player Be Punished
: Quite literally, he ran me over for no reason which damaged his car,
3.15 which also may have him arrested for manslaughter due to me dying, 3.4 and something you would never see IRL, 2.1.

Evidence (Demo Required)

: around 0:50
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Can't really agree or disagree to this just yet we need to hear what he has to say, there could be a reason he ran you over. It would be nice if one of his friends would tag him so he could reply faster :). Also i dont think this is 3.4 his life was not really at risk throughout the video.

I have decided to +Support this Action Request for the reasons that follow.

2.1, Play Realistically; In no way were his actions realistic, realistically you would not run 2 random people over, especially not outside i highly populated area, for all to see.

3.15, Vehicle Damage; He did not have a valid reason to risk his car breaking, as far as to whether or not the car did become disabled after I do not know for sure, but most likely it did.

3.4, Risking Your Life; The person in question risked a 10 year jail sentence and a very hefty ticket, for manslaughter, on two people also, without a valid reason in my opinion, if he comes to the thread, and gives a valid reason for this, then that would be a different matter completely.

1.4. Causing Problems; This is probably the most debatable rule I will put here, as he was causing unnecessary problems. (I am not very familiar with 1.4, so if i have gotten this in the wrong context, please tell me)

But also, The sweater vest broke 1 rule,

3.21, Walking On The Highway; He walked on the highway without a valid reason, although there is no real proof of this, just Callum Byfords word in character, so the choice is yours if you wish to make an Action Request on the sweater vest, but I don't see the point, he is clearly new to the server, what needs to happen is what happened to me when i first joined, taken to the roof and told not to walk on the highway, then made to read the rules.

I stole @Appricey 's format, so because of that i will end this with;


He clearly drove the sweater over And thereby also hitting you. This Counts as manslaughter And it breaks in front of cctv, hospital And bank multiple rules including 3.4 and3.15
This user has been banned from the server for 2.1 and 3.4.

Thanks for making an action request.
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