AR on Garret_Pp

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Dominick Ramos
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Garret_Pp
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25000355
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Not complying under gunpoint.
Evidence (Demo Required):
I was shouting for him to "get out the fucking car"
I was wanted for murdering a police officer and he somehow knew what car I drive and what I look like so I suspect 3.24 as well.
Tick: N/A

To start there is no audio of this though I will admit you did yell at be to, "get out the fucking car!"

But let me start by addressing the way you acted after the fact:
You were rude and acting in violation of 1.1.

Next you didn't even upload the demo of the whole story and I still have no idea when you pulled the weapon on me in the first place. But I dare you in real life to pull a gun on an armed cop in a police car. I bet you that they will either run you over or get the hell outta dodge when they see that gun, whether or not you tell "get out the fucking car!".

I have no idea why this complaint was made in the end other than the fact that you are annoyed you lost.
To start off with, you say that cop was stopping you for murder, how do you know he wasn't pulling you over for comitting a traffic offense because I believe you didn't indicate when going into the petrol station, or he could of been pulling you over for a totally different reason, you just assumed that he wanted to arrest you for murder, leading to you shooting him.

Furthermore, when you had him under gunpoint we did not know what anyone said as there is no audio in them videos, so you could of told him to drive off for all I know and then shot him. So technically, there is not too much evidence with no audio and that is why Shaun asked you to provide a demo with the tick.

Finally, after that you broke 1.1 in OOC and disrespected him for "breaking the rules". I know you already did that but what was the point in doing that when you were making an AR and it clearly shows you broke 1.1. How desperate are you to get him punished when you also broke rules in the video? I think you're the one that should be punished, not him.
Forgetting everything, all you did was valid since even if he were to pull you over for a traffic offense he would still recognize you and will arrest you, so you gunpointing him is completely valid, and he didn't comply.
Putting all the details together it was an obvious rule break from Garret but it's the staff's choice to decide whether your method of handling it was valid or not.
But for now I'm remaining neutral
As for the AR I am neutral, because we have no audio or demo as of yet we cannot see if Garret had reason to believe you would kill him or be a threat to his life.
if im being sprayed at by a cop i would return fire. im gunna -Support this sorry dom.
The way i see it is if even if the audio is off he still pointed his gun at the cop so i would of expected the cop to have commonsense and get out of the car and comply but the cop in the video almost got himself killed and no matter what the reason is that the cop was after him, he still pulled his gun out and the cop did not play realistically and we don't know for sure what went on before the start of the video. So i am giving it a +Support

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What I think should also be taken into account is that in the second video,
Garret mentioned the manhunt, and I do believe that this OOC information may have influenced the IC actions of Dominick.

Would you still have shot him if he hadn't said he was on a manhunt by himself?
Would you still have shot him if he wasn't alone?
Would you have stopped for what may have been just a ticket?

Now, in earlier posts you stated that he wouldn't be giving you a ticket, but in the video posted by yourself, I see you breaking several traffic laws within a short time period, just before the police officer pulled up behind you. He may have just been wanting to give you a ticket. I know this does not apply to the original purpose of this thread, but it is something that should definitely be considered upon creating a verdict over this particular case.

All in all, in my honest opinion, the actions of Dominick are questionable, too. This just seems like a roleplay situation that got out of hand. This does not justify any breakage of rules, but I do think staff members should take the inappropriate actions by Dominick into account when deciding for a verdict upon this case.
First I am going to give my opinion about the actions of Garret, so I am not 100% if you can actually call that a good chance to escape. If Garret wouldn't have drive that back wards, then Dominick wouldn't probably react good enough to check in 1 second that he is taking cover, and wouldn't of shot at the car. Now, my opinion about Dominick actions. The police was about to pull him over. He didn't know exactly for what reason, but he believed that he was going to be arrested for murder while he was going to be pulled over for a traffic offense. You could actually say that IF he was warranted they get his identification and maybe arrest him. But I would rather run away instead pull a gun on a armed police officer where the SWAT only need 5 seconds to respond. Including, smart officers wouldn't drive that near to him when they know that he is armed and dangerous.
You were not wanted for murder. Apart from this I heard gunshots on the highway near hungries. I went there to find an abandoned police car without a cop dead near there. I had no DNA or way of knowing who did it. We were condcuting a manhunt, or more so I, but we literally had no idea what we were looking for.

Not to mention police cars are usually armored and I had three choices, get out and probably die, run you over, or back up quickly to cover and then defend myself. The first was not reasonable at all, the second was okay but then I wouldn't at least have a CHANCE to talk to you, the third seemed the best. I felt it was a safe enough option since I have a bullet resistant car and vest as well as a lot of training.

Either way the reason that I pulled you over was because you rammed smack dab into that car going down the street and just kept going. I wasn't even originally heading to you, I was going to the scene of the murder because I thought I heard a gunshot while driving back in the city.

As I said you are aware that I thought getting out would be the death of me. Would you still be complaining if I ran you over though, which would be very reasonable, or if you won the shootout? I mean you gun-pointed me, yes, but I was armored and relatively safe. A cop in real life wouldn't comply, and I am sure i can show you a thousand examples of people (in movies) getting gun pointed in a car and then hiking tail outta there because it's their best chance.

If you guys as a whole believe I should have acted differently then I am sorry. But I sincerely believe I acted in the best way I possible could have. Remember that I have about 2 seconds at most to make a decision affecting my life. We as humans have he fight or flight response when we are presented with danger. Which basically means when we see something dangerous we tend to run or fight back if possible. Both were possible and I made a split second instinctual decision. I feel a great pain to have my actions questioned because I defended myself.
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