Ar on H20shane

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Bertie *TRADING* / Bertie Bennett
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: H20shane/Eric Smith
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91988688
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Stalled as a medic whilst being kidnapped and didn't follow orders, which lead to his death. @Stormzi
Evidence (Demo Required):
After reviewing the evidence provided in this thread, I can tell that the EMT violated 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk by not following the instructions given by you and your friend, later leading to his death.

However, @Bertie, you violated 3.24 In and out of character by bringing a IC matter, OOC.

I would like to hear "@H20shane" tell us as to why he did what he did to get a better understanding of the situation.

Since the comment I wanted to make contains more then 300 chars:

I understand your point there however, you are not to bring an IC matter OOC regardless if you want to remind someone to follow a certain rule or not... If you join this server you agree that you have read all rules and that you will follow them. And if a player which you are currently roleplaying with has violated any of the Server Rules, 2.6 should be followed.
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After reviewing the evidence provided, heres my opinion on the matter.

Rule 3.4: Putting your life/ freedom at risk:
As the medic could see he was under gunpoint which should automatically make him think that he should do what he says before he get's shot. As shown in the video the paramedic had punched a man which put his life at risk by not following orders and punching the person.

Overall i will support this Action Request as there was clear rule breakings, also a matter has popped up regarding rule 3.24 which i have not mentioned due to it already being said by another member.
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