AR on Haruto Koyo / Insanity

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: DELTA / Johnny Joeham
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Haruto Koyo / Insanity
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22767118
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Stored his gun while at gunpoint
Disconnected right after his death. (He probably assumed his gun dropped and disconnected to avoid us taking it)

Evidence (Demo Required):
Full video can be given to a staff member at request.
(Don't want the general public becoming aware of our tactics)



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Hey there, I rewiewed the 2 "pictures" and he did indeed Store his gun under gunpoint.

Which makes him break 3.18 and then 3.6 for not doing everything he can to stay alive.

I would like to know from your side, did u deal with all NPCs etc at that area where u gunpointed and shot the Man. Since the NPCs are counted as "real players" when role playing, but still. So they will clearly hear the shots from the Desert Eagle. And there's 2-3 NPCs that might have seen you (the one at docks) just wanna clear that out.

I still support this Action Request. So thank you for posting it.

(Sorry for any bad spellings etc I'm on my phone)
After reviewing the evidence provided it is clear that he has broken the following rule:

Rule 3.4: Putting your life at risk.
After seeing the user pointing a gun at him instead for listening to his commands he decided to turn and use his trunk causing him to die.

Rule 3.18: Storages and trunks.
In danger the user turned to his vehicle under gunpoint and attempted to store a weapon in his trunk which then lead to his death.

Unfortunately I cannot give my opinion on disconnecting as the video does not support that.

Edit: Thank you Mildo for picking me up that is car disappeared which shows that he did indeed disconnect.

It is clear that the user broke the rules above from what I can see in the video, it looks intentional but I cannot tell but I do believe this user should have some form of punishment.
Hey there ,
Looking back at the situation I disconnected because I believed there was nothing to Roleplay anymore as there was 3-4 people in the server with no medic or anything.

Looking at the gun point , when he put me on gun point I did not hear a word , or a command coming out of his mouth, therefore I restored my m24 back in my trunk. We were doing a gun trade and it is usual to see guns around. I didint even get my sniper rifle out fully out of my truck and I just put it back and got shot. If he gave me a word like step away from the car I would have without questionning...
Hey there ,
Looking back at the situation I disconnected because I believed there was nothing to Roleplay anymore as there was 3-4 people in the server with no medic or anything.

If you thought there was nothing to roleplay; then why did you come back shortly after? It's not a valid excuse.

Looking at the gun point , when he put me on gun point I did not hear a word , or a command coming out of his mouth, therefore I restored my m24 back in my trunk. We were doing a gun trade and it is usual to see guns around. I didint even get my sniper rifle out fully out of my truck and I just put it back and got shot. If he gave me a word like step away from the car I would have without questionning...

Now let's take a look at this specific part right here;
when he put me on gun point I did not hear a word , or a command coming out of his mouth, therefore I restored my m24 back in my trunk.

If that's true, could you please explain the following video?

Thing is with this one its hard to know because you say drop it as he is in trunk but we dont know if her knew you were gunpointing him or not.
Thing is with this one its hard to know because you say drop it as he is in trunk but we dont know if her knew you were gunpointing him or not.

Please take a look at the evidence above and below. He was basically looking down the barrel of my gun as you can see in the following image.

Looking at the 3 gifs, it is obvious that 3.4, 3.6 & 3.18 has been broken here.

Also as a response to insanity, even if he did not tell you to drop it (Which he did) you are still supposed to not put your life at risk, and opening a trunk while someone is clearly pointing a lethal weapon at you, is putting your life at risk.

Also, just pointing out; You did this right next to the delivery NPC, and right infront of the pub NPC, but if you did infact deal with them, then there is not problem there.

Next time, don't write 'Stupid Fuck' in OOC. That is just not needed tbh.
Thing is with this one its hard to know because you say drop it as he is in trunk but we dont know if her knew you were gunpointing him or not.
The person is literally looking at him when he is holding his pistol towards him, the person obviously gets stressed in some kind of way and just feels like putting an M24 into his trunk, I'm not sure how he's going to justify this, you can't just blame that you got stressed and didn't know what to do in the situation considering this happens daily on PERP.

Also @John Cena! you're technically in a public setting where some people can see you and such, I actually do hope you dealt with the NPC's and such.
Hold up lads, mind explaining why you are forcing him to take a m24 out of his trunk? If you were not thats okay just hard to see without any audio.

Edit: Nvm its fine, I didn't understand the sit.
Personally think that @John Cena! could've waited a bit longer as there wasnt much time before the command and Insanity's death but overall i guess its a +Support
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