AR on Henry

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Right so first of all, i saw a door open and i did not see a gun so i decided to run behind and pull my firearm as it was safe to do so. I will upload my point of view later so you can get a better view of the situation. I have nothing against you but honistly it was safe to pull my firearm and i wasn't breaking any rules. also my friend was inside with a gun drawn so you would have been shot anyway and whats a ppk gonna do against me, i know thats not an excuse but come on...

I am sorry if I am mistaken but when I was looking over the demo I did not see your friend with a gun drawn.

After you just entered the apartment, Henry did walk to the side of the bedroom door which did leave him enough time before you were in to pull out his gun to shoot you. It is also worth noting that when you just entered the apartment and Henry noticed you, your pistol was in passive stance. Again, leaving Henry with enough time to move to the side of the door out of sight long enough to draw his gun.​
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