AR on Hope Griffon by Agent Green

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Agent Green/Fredy Standish-Newman

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hope Griffon
His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player broke rule 4.1 as he broke the traffic laws, which he is supposed to enforce. The player did not yield at the stop sign, which caused an accident. Hope Griffon blamed the accident on me and I was given a ticket. He was acting completely ignorant to me when I tried to explain him that the error was on his side and that he was the one causing the accident in the first place.

I was the car infront of him when this happened, and saw it all. Fredy was infact doing nothing wrong, the officer failed to look left and right to check for oncoming traffic.

He really should get a blacklist besides a warning or ban, because hell this isnt the first time hes done this...
I +Support this Action Request.

Basically user: Hope Griffon broke 4.1


YOU NEED TO Follow the Traffic laws at all times as a government worker, if you aren't going to an emergency call of course, but i don't belive he did in this care.

He broke law 9.2, where u have to stop your car fully, if there is a stop sign, which he completely failed to do, and there for caused the Crash with the Blue Tesla.


I do belive, if hes New to the server, and has a pretty Clean record, a warning or a blacklist would be pretty fair in this case, this is just what i think tho.

If you got anything to add to my reply, be sure to use the comment function, thank you!
Kind Regards,

Robin Ljungberg
That parking in front of PD was pretty awful too...
Not only was it obstructing two spots, but he was parked on both the emergency spot and the spot for disabled drivers. (well, partially on the spot for disabled - this just isn't an example of how to drive a car as an officer, especially if you're the one responsible for keeping the roads clean of people who break the traffic rules)

The user will receive a punishment for his actions.

Thank you for making this action request!
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