AR on Itzryzo

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Code Monkey

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Code Monkey/Brandy Martello
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Itzryzo /Samuel Smithson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142319895
Why Should This Player Be Punished: User did not follow several orders from one of the owners not to raid. He tried explainging to him that they were snowballs and we were having fun. He then showed him the practice grenade and then Samuel authorized a raid which ended in several police officers getting killed, us losing guns, drugs, etc. I asked him after this video who authorized it and he said he did. He said to make an IA and AR on him so I am doing so.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Was involved. SA and @D3V said that this needs to be dealt with by IA to show the raid was unlawful before any other actions can take place. Obviously we were throwing snowballs off the office which isn't a reason to raid the property on its own. XQ told the TFU officers not to raid over the practice grenades as he was throwing them which is nothing to do with RP. Was there any other reasons for the raid?
Failure to cooperate with a staff member, also excessive negativity.
How was it excessive? You were raided because people on the room vandalised my car with snowballs then failed to comply with police, also grenades were thrown within the property(i didn't know they were fake)

Because you were all shouting at me at once i was concentrated on you not on looc, which you can see within your own video.

Was involved. SA and @D3V said that this needs to be dealt with by IA to show the raid was unlawful before any other actions can take place. Obviously we were throwing snowballs off the office which isn't a reason to raid the property on its own. XQ told the TFU officers not to raid over the practice grenades as he was throwing them which is nothing to do with RP. Was there any other reasons for the raid?
Yes because grenades being thrown at officers while they are knocking at your door has nothing to do with rp
How was it excessive? You were raided because people on the room vandalised my car with snowballs then failed to comply with police, also grenades were thrown within the property(i didn't know they were fake)

Because you were all shouting at me at once i was concentrated on you not on looc, which you can see within your own video.

Yes because grenades being thrown at officers while they are knocking at your door has nothing to do with rp
@Xquality told you not to raid in OOC for the practice grenades, yet you did. You wouldn't ignore another member of staff. What makes you think that's acceptable?
@Xquality told you not to raid in OOC for the practice grenades, yet you did. You wouldn't ignore another member of staff. What makes you think that's acceptable?
Because you were all shouting at me at once i was concentrated on you not on looc, which you can see within your own video.
Because you were all shouting at me at once i was concentrated on you not on looc, which you can see within your own video.
Because you were all shouting at me at once i was concentrated on you not on looc, which you can see within your own video.
You raided us for simple snowballs, and for XQ throwing fake grenades. Was it worth the shootout to restrain people who had thrown some snowballs. XQ told you multiple times we had nothing to do with grenades and we were simply having a laugh.

You officers were non-stop annoying us for like an hour finding the littlest reason to raid us. I dont believe this should be dealt with in an IA and rather in an AR like it is done because we had a massive loss over tfu blowing up our doors and raiding over snowballs.

Finlay Russel and the TFU crew were raid hungry. (And i know this might be over used however it is pure facts) They were camping outside just for the slightest thing so that they could act upon us.

Thus negatively affecting us after all we were not expecting to get raided over something so petty. I wish that XQ would perhaps give his point on this AR. How the PLPD acted today was very stupid, I asked alot of them "Why did we get raided" and they just answered "we have no clue, just supervisors instructions" essentially @Itzryzo caused this whole situation and made such a big thing out of a small mistake.
I am involved as an advisor to the Chiefs of Department (yes that is a thing and I am it), and so I will be commenting on this matter.

This should 200% be dealt with as an IA matter (and then closed because it looks like it was handled fine as a response to a possible explosive) because the fact that the practice grenades were being thrown in the first place is the problem. When people fuck around in bases we don't 'void' things and that's been made clear by @Bolli, @MoronPipllyd and @Jordan in the past - specifically a thread in the staff section which I think was called 'banter' or something.

@Xquality is a sound guy but you should not be penalised for the way you reacted, which is the way a player should be expected to behave on a 'realistic' (lol fuck me) RP server. @Bolli will agree that when people do inevitably fuck around, anything that happens as a consequence is the fault of the person fucking around and it's not up to you to turn them 180 and say 'no we are allowed to do this' - nobody else can!

What you're not understanding, is that it was XQ and i think it was harsh for us to get punished over a joke that the owner was doing.
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