AR on Jake18

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Czech Republic
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He didn't really come to flank, we were defending our base against cops, and he rushed straight in even tho there was an active raid going on and just kosed us all
Show the part where you and your friends pulled out guns and aimed it straight at us as we walked up the stairs and then we can talk? ty <3
you shouldn't be in the shootout anyway, in real life do you just run into a fat shootout with cops and civilians all armed with AK47's and M4's, thought not, you were lucky they didn't shoot you for walking around the area of a shootout.
@Jake18 regardless of that, just because you have more people means whenever you see a shootout you just walk into it because you have a shotgun, that's retarded, you should not of been anywhere near that shootout therefore a rule breakage.
Jake, that's not the point of the AR. You shouldn't randomly come into shootouts you are not involved in. No one called you to help. You just ran into active shootout to kill people for no reason. You shouldn't get yourself involved for no reason
@Jake18 Hello? You came in when we were shooting at cops and u stayed in for a good 3 mins after we told u to get out.

Although i understand the reasoning behind @Jake18 and his friends trying to kill you, pointing a gun at someone and telling them to leave an active shootout isnt a reason to come and kill them afterwards. Nor was this the place or time to do it as there was an on going shootout that @Jake18 was not involved in.

No formal action will be taken however @Jake18 ensure you don't repeat this.
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