AR on Jarredinator

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ☠ ☢ You sure -.-' ? ☢ ☠ / Johnny Desperado
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @JarredInator
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42883693
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I've been in persuit of him, pulled him over and he was warranted for holding a police officer hostage.
I gun pointed him while I was right next to his car and told him to leave the car and get out.
He proceeded to drive and broke 3.4/3.6.
I believe at that range and at that position he had no reasonable escape route to not break 3.4 and 3.6 as I was literally half a meter away, pointing a pistol at his face.
He also had no plans to do anything like get assistance or something simmiliar.
Evidence (Demo Required):!oiBxgSYB!4pw33Esu3DvIgSo6nkNCUwoThibqHKNY3R2qn6PF8Fw

Tick: The demo and the persuit starts at tick 5400. I pull him over at tick 6000. At 6220 it ends and I point a gun at him and tell him to leave the vehicle. He procceeds to drive off.
I'm sitting inside a super car capable of doing 0-100 in 2 seconds. I was being charged for (to my knowledge) murder with a machete. You walk up to my window and proceed to pull out a pistol. It's extremely dark outside and as soon as I see you grab for your pocket I started driving. I was already at like 40 mph when you were halfway in your sentence. I by the way also very highly doubt you had permission to use lethal force on me so what you were mostly gonna achieve with that mediocre pistol was a few bullet holes in my car which, looking at my chargers, is something I'd prefer over 10 years in jail. I had friends all over the city and I was looking for a place, without anyone seeing, where I could hide.

I find these kind of AR's somewhat funny as in a way, you're saying I risked my life because you had a gun pointed to me. But were you indeed ready to fire your gun? You didn't say anything when you drew it so first reaction would always be just drive off. Even when I proceeded to drive off you held your fire meaning you were not prepared to shoot me. You're saying your mediocre pistol and you're below average response time is enough to stop a Ferrari Enzo is drag racing away from you? My escape route was the long stretch of road infront of me. To your knowledge, I was in no way a direct threat to the public and or you which means to fulfill your duty it's your main priority to turn me in alive which even further reduced the likely hood of you ever firing that pistol straight at my head.
A gun at your face from that range is something you should fear your life for, not drive away.

You sure
As ive said before you were not planning on shooting me nor did you have authorisation to use lethal force. The chance of me receiving any serious was so slim it was practically non existing.

In real life i can do terrorism here i get banned. Dont pull up de real life shit. Look at american police chases in real life. 5 6 officere running at a criminals car, he drives off and most they do is shoot a few shots at the tires. Considering your average reaction speed is longer than it takes me to reach 60 mph i would say my super car does come into play here. That + the fact he would need to hit a moving target makes it near impossible to even have hit a shot.
[DOUBLEPOST=1499636259,1499635862][/DOUBLEPOST]Ermak you're using irl in your first argument now ur saying this is different from real life make up your mind honestly
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