AR on Jeffrey geeza

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Your Steam/In-game Name: </Sneaky>/ Dave Kearneyf
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jeffer Cake / Jeffrey Geeza
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41796970
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
The person(which appeared to be wanted at a later date)
drove reckeslly in the suburbs, coming from farm.
There's a good chance he had seen me but didn't appear to be fleeing.
He drove over the grass and went a little over 25mph which had caused me to try and pull him over.
I found him at the highway where he pulled over.
Since they both were armed i asked them to step out(which i noticed they had a gun on their back) He GP'd me, tied me and fled off. If he was wanted why was he driving around on a highway, with guns on their back, and essentially baiting me by driving so reckless in a state he wasnt being persued at the time? Nobody mentioned anything about a pink mini cooper being wanted at the time? I feel he broke 3.4, as the situation could've been dealth with better. If he was known to be wanted surely i would've paniced pulling over 2 armed man as a traffic officer all by myself?

You hear his friend saying what are you doing, and he "takes my firearm" altough im a traffic officer.

tldr: i was traffic, if i knew he was wanted i wouldn't be standing there alone next to two armed men.
Hai, I, Ian Dalum was in the passenger seat, I don't really know why he did that, nor do I know what happened actually.

All that I know is, is that he said he was warranted, he told me this but I have seriously no clue!

If Jeffrey knew he was wanted, instead of initiating a chase in his minicooper in which your car and other police vehicles, are clearly superior to his, he was within his right to tie you up and leave you there, considering if the traffic stop would have gone like 99% other traffic stops, you would have identified him and appropriately called for backup. Doing this prevented that and let Jeffrey escape.
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