AR on Jessica-trapani Fielding

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: mage/Nadine Kennedy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Sgt Lixerd / Jessica-trapani Fielding
His/Her SteamID STEAM_0:0:144606500
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.18 - While a raid was going on the player decided to store his friend's pistol and 2 big pots (from what I managed to see) I'm sure logs can verify what the user has stored but that's all I managed to catch by noclipping in the demo.
Evidence (Demo Required): Just to prove that there was a raid while it happened!5442Bbib!vwZW324LzcFvwpI5RTWg8Z6M4qGAeJgyROC-aNXU5qU
Tick: Goto 50000
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+SUPPORT. I was with Nadine in this situation and i have seen my own demo and can confirm the rules she broke are :

3.18 - The user stored 2 large weed pots and a silenced Beretta whilst and active raid was going on of her own property.

Here is some evidence to back me up. provided by @Chris

Thanks for reading!
Hi There
SGT Lixerd's forum name is @Sgt Lixerd and his/her Steam ID IS:

Overall the logs show that she put 2 large weed pots and a silenced Beretta whilst and active raid was going on of her own property. Which she is breaking 3.18..


@Sgt Lixerd also broke 3.25 for drug harvesting
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TBH, I taught the raid was over as no one said anything, no one shot, and there was no sign of anyone. Besides from what I know I was fully avalible to just walk out the back door, wich, I did in the end whitout getting killed or arrested, I simply walked out and ran away
[DOUBLEPOST=1465744583,1465729339][/DOUBLEPOST]I fully admit that I havrested and stoarged both a M9, weed and 2 big pots. I legit taught the raid was over for a momment wheter you belive me or not. It might be somthing wrong with my sound, we'll never know. I understand this AR and I accept the punishment for my own actions. I guess I'm just tired of debating over somthing like this when we both know what actully happend. And all of us most likely know I am the guilty.

User has accepted wrongdoing during the situation; as they are already banned it shall be extended from 4 days to 2 weeks.

You are welcome to make a refund request for the items in the screenshot if your raid was otherwise successful.
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