AR on John McGowan

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dan / Daniel James
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Wiki #FreeMelonstick / John Mcgowan
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155779481
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, ran under direct gunpoint which resulted in his death, also made no attempt to escape after running out of the room, again resulting in his death.
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I ran out okay and then I was standing in the corner, I was going to come back inside and you decided to shoot me. Plus you tried to hostage me for no beatifically reason so that could be an AR itself.
Well I thought it was a hostage taking because you got someone to bait me in there and then tried to gunpoint me.
Like I said, you made him bait me there. That is the reason I thought it was a hostage.
I had an easy chance of escape. I was going to come back inside after like I said.
I mean, you still ran under direct gunpoint and then died, so it's 3.4

I don't care if you were gonna come back inside, you shouldn't have run in the first place.
Well maybe he shouldn't have run out the room in the first place, and also there was no immediate threat to my life.
No active threat to my life, so I stored my gun. Plus it's not a small thing when he's been banned/warned for 3.4 atleast 7 times on his record. With his last 4 bans being for 3.4 related reasons.
And did the police confiscate it in the end? No. Obviously there wasn't much problem in storing it.

@Wiki it would have been fine for you to run away from the gunpoint as you had enough cover to run away. However, you decided to hide in the corner which had no benefit to your life as it gives him an easy opportunity to kill you and makes it completely pointless of you running away from the gunpoint.

You will receive a warning for 3.4.
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