AR on Junior Naylor

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [DPA] Samsterminator
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Junior Naylor / Junior_:D and Khalid Something / KHaLiDDD
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56187888 / STEAM_0:0:50107073
Why Should This Player Be Punished: After dying in a raid, users contact their friend over steam chat telling them that myself and some friends back-stabbed them, resulting in my apartment getting Molotov'd
Evidence (Demo Required): @Chris
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I was involved in the situation. Both occupants of the appartment that was raided were backstabbed and had no time at all to be able to tell anyone that they were being raided by us. Our appartment ended up being molatoved by an unknown individual, who didn't know how many occupants the appartment had. Because of this i feel they broke 2.5 as it was excessivly negative. Rule 3.2 Third party communications could have also been broken aswell.
I was not involved in that. Eric just tolled me after i got killed that he needs a Molotov i told him i can craft that and i asked why he said he wanted to Molotov Regals 5 because one of your org members mugged him. I told him about the raid in steam chat but i did'n ask him to do that for me he wanted to do that for himself because he got mugged so I'm not involved in this.

My steam profile :
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Okay, So, Chris brought myself and Erik into the a admin sit because I reported him for NLR, Thinking that he Molotov'd our apartment because we killed him earlier on, in the admin sit he told myself and Chris that you told him that we had backstabbed you, and that is why he molotov'd us, regardless of whether or not that is actually why he molotov'd us, you still told him, we entered your apartment as friends, then killed you quickly, there was no way you could have possibly told him before you died, so If you didn't tell him about what happened, How did he know that it happened?
Ok, I got backstabbed, I died, I waited the NLR out and left the game then started playing Arma 3. I did nothing. I was basing with the guys that backstabbed me at first then they killed Erik Gyori and a guy took his weapon, after Erik died he came back yelling who took my gun. You can even watch the logs if they go back that far. So he broke the rules. Then me and junior started basing somewhere else, got backstabbed and all that. Then as I said I left the server and started playing Arma 3 then Junior played for a couple of minutes longer and then started playing Arma 3 aswell. We had nothing to do with this nonsense.
Next time you make an AR one someone, get some information and don't start assuming things. Someone molotoved your base after you backstabbed us? Oh that must be us! Think next time, aight ?
Ok so Junior and Khalid has nothing to do with this. I just told Junior to craft me a Molotov and I was just going to Molotov Regals 5.
I don't really care if you ban me but leave Khalid and Junior out of this because they really didn't nothing.
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