AR on Liam

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: -=Bilbo 'Rekt' Swaggins=- - Ebbe Kvisthector

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Liam - Jermain Johnson

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Drove away from a ticket. Thinking its a good idea to pull over, over 500 meters away from where i told him to, causing a police chase. Then drove off again after i got out of my car. He was simply getting a ticket for reckless driving + speeding. Justified it with "Because you broke laws yourself".

Evidence (Demo Required):
Action starts at 1:59

+Support, clear breakage of 3.4 there was absolute no reason to run from the police for a small fine. Risking his life over a traffic ticket? Nah.
Liam broke 3.4 by running away from a simple ticket, which caused a big chase and massacre.
Honestly, you should have stopped and yielded for the person on your left. Whoever's driving on a main road and having vehicles to their right trying to pull out should at all times yield to any oncoming traffic.

Law 9.2 here has been broken from your side and you failed to put your sirens on in time for the intersection nearly causing a crash.
This means law 9.10 has been broken in the same time as 9.2 was broken.

You are not a traffic officer and honestly is in no power to deem whether or not someone went too fast or not unless its obvious
As an example, a Mclaren P1 speeds into the bazaar at 110 in a 35 zone and ramps off the speed bump flipping his car upside down and killing himself in the process when he reached the end of the road he got splattered into a wall and his vehicle blew up after a strong fire.

Then again, a vehicle doesn't have to go 100mph over the speed limit to be able to deem it to be speeding. That could be about 20-30 mph, honestly the speed limit here is 25-35.
And with my experience of vehicle driving he was going approximately 40mph. That's about 5-10 mph, bit little to be able to correctly deem whether or not he really were speeding.

The only laws he broke here was Law 9.10, 9.12 and 9.2. if you wonder what some of the laws state.

@Liam Just because the other end may have broken a few laws doesn't justify you breaking rules such as 3.4 speeding off from a ticket and being a general minge. Honestly you should know this being a member of perpheads for a very long time.

Clear support
Liam is currently banned on the forum.

Liam said:

"Well for a start, I didn't break any laws you were pulling me over for absolutely no reason; as you can see in the video above - what was so reckless? And it doesn't look like I was speeding at all, you were the one that crashed in to my due to not yielding and then when I do decide to pull over I get called mentally retarded?

In the end I did hand my self in - I really don't know why you're creating an AR over this; it isn't like any of you died or anything along those lines and maybe if you conducted your self in a better manor I'd of stayed and not driven off. But if I were you I'd learn to drive too"
"Well for a start, I didn't break any laws you were pulling me over for absolutely no reason; as you can see in the video above - what was so reckless? And it doesn't look like I was speeding at all, you were the one that crashed in to my due to not yielding and then when I do decide to pull over I get called mentally retarded?

In the end I did hand my self in - I really don't know why you're creating an AR over this; it isn't like any of you died or anything along those lines and maybe if you conducted your self in a better manor I'd of stayed and not driven off. But if I were you I'd learn to drive too"

As you can see at 2:04 in the video, you crashed into the statue thus reckless driving. You didnt stop and look to both sides when faced with a 'Full-Stop' sign at the CD. You seemed to be going a bit over 35 MPH at the time (Sadly there is no way for me to confirm this).

And just because you handed yourself in, doesnt mean i shouldnt make an AR. You caused the entire police force to look for you, when i could have given you a ticket and that was that. You wasted our time.
Why do you pull a gun out @ 3:40? He was in no way a danger to you, instead of a gun you could have spiked him or ram him out of the car.

@Liam shouldn't have gone looc during this thing, and maybe he shouldn't have ran but at this situation i imagine him thinking 'well fk this, I'm not gonna get a ticket over nothing' and thus ran off. Not sure if the AR is needed as this is quite a minor rulebreak ;/

The user will be banned for 4 day for their actions. This is because they broke 3.4 by speeding away from a ticket and causing him to be wanted by the police, escalating the RP unnecessarily. Bilbo, please also remember to make sure your lights are on before you chase after someone as a officer.​
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