AR on LP7K

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Donald DJ Trump / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: LP7K / Richard James
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170514755
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.18; Player stored his M82 in the middle of being raided so that he wouldn't lose it after using it to shoot at/kill officers.
Evidence (Demo Required):
@Samsterminator Are you sure he shot or killed someone with it? The demo doesn’t show anything that you mentioned except for him having it
@LP7K He might have blocked you on the forums or the other way around; just a guess. I’ll send a screenshot of it and evidence so you can formulate a reply to it
@Aquaa He was shooting at people with it out the window, for some reason the demo doesn't have the shot sound.
In the end of the video you can hear Charlotte Foster saying down radio that he was shooting a "heavy weapon" out the window which was the M82.
@Aquaa I did not shoot the M82 I took it out when I head Jack say " guys A1L coming on" and was trying to snip him but I did not see him so I took out my other gun as he was going to breach the door and having a sniper close range is not a good idea. + when A1L killed me he left the server it was epic
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@LP7K That's a lie, you definitely did shoot the M82 as I remember thinking for a second that someone was flanking with it and I thought it was a bit weird, also like I said, even in the recording an officer calls out that you were shooting it.

I'll have to go back on the demo and see if I can get the sound to work if it's needed.
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Hi. I was one of the other officers who responded to the call at Slums Apartments. To clarify, my name's Charlotte Fostor in-game. Anyways, I can say that I did hear @LP7K fire the shot from the aforementioned firearm, the M82- I believe. He fired it once, if I recall correctly. After hearing the shots from the apartment, we eventually breached the door and contained the situation. This was almost immediately after informing everyone of the so-called 'heavy' shots I mentioned to my colleague. There were no signs of said firearm (M82) when we entered the premises. I personally believe, even if he had the firearm out during the raid / breach, he shouldn't have put it away in storage. That was uncalled for. It seems to be very suspcious.

Aside from that, shortly after successfully containing the situation, we confronted LP7K in OOC about his actions. He agreed that he stored the firearm, but he said he did it long ago. I'm not sure what he meant by that, but it doesn't seem right. If I need to supply a screenshot of LP7K stating anything in OOC, I can attempt to do so, but I am not sure if it will aid anything in regards of the action request. I'm merely a witness / responding officer.
He fired the gun around 5 times against me, through the door which would be able to be seen somewhere in the demo I gave Sam, and as you can see in the demo when he stored it, as we were talking with Nicolas at that moment, I have an idea he knew we were talking with someone who could breach the door, and decided to store the M82 as it was only 1-2 minutes before we actually breached.
@Aquaa He shot through the door 4-5 times, I can go through the demo as I send it to Sam, he just didn't record that part as he just showed it stored.
You failed to provide sufficient evidence that he had actually used the weapon and stored it to avoid losing it.​
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