AR on Luke

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Mofidos

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luke

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65075178

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

User broke 2.5

There's a guy told me to fuck off i punched his car and his friend came and punched me i punched him back and then we stopped and someone came from behind and shot me, after being in an admin sit with him, @Blicky told me it may be a reason to kill you so i decided to post a video about the situation to see if its a vaild reason to kill me.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: n/a
First and foremost; the only reason he told you to fuck off is because you're always coming into our shops harassing us, then when we tell you to leave you call us all pussies. Noah tells you to fuck off, so you punch Alphonse's car, which if you took the situation carefully; you would find reasonable to not punch a car because the person in the back-seat of a car is most likely not the owner, also keep in mind punching the car's window in real life would break it, meaning you physically harmed not just Alphonse but Noah aswell. The owner shows up pissed because you're the same guy we see around all the time fucking around, and he says he'll knock your teeth out for punching the car, he punches you in defense of his car and friend, and you stupidly punch back when he has about 3 or 4 (Including me) friends who are armed and about 3 others also armed across the street. So in defense of my friend, not expecting you to stop attacking because let's be real; no one in real life punches someone and takes a punch back for fairness in real life like you claim, I shoot you down, and hide your body. The end.
(I was in this situation)
So, you walk up to a guy, he tells you to fuck off and instead of giving an equally unpleasant response you decide to punch a solid car, possibly hurting your hands or risking your freedom in the process? It could be argued that you broke 2.1 and 3.4 in this situation by doing so for such a minor thing, but that's besides the point.
You walk up to someone's car who you know for a fact you're not on good terms with and decide to punch his car and then him? It's pretty pathetic that you didn't expect a negative outcome from that, so I think in the future you should probably refrain from doing such unrealistic and outrageous things, especially in such a public place as the bazaar parking lot, which happens to be right next to a commonly used road, making it easy for you to be spotted. After this, Luke ran away from the scene very quickly and (as far as I know) remained unharmed and free after the situation.
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