AR on MachineGunO

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MachineGunO and douglas greenspan

His/Her SteamID: dunno

Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe this user broke 3.4 and 2.5 by gun pointing me for no reason at all, he claims it was a "civi arrest" which doesn't give him any right to put his life at risk which ended up badly for him, user got himself into a useless situation and ended up risking his life and dying.

also just a short story, i murdered a man in one of the bazzar shops and they witnessed me doing so and they still didnt care and decided to gun point me even tho they know i'm armed and dangerous, filthy rule breakers

Evidence (Demo Required):

Dealt with this in-game, I even asked @SpaceShots about the whole civil arrest thing because even I was a bit iffy about it, however it is allowed.

You guys dealt with this in the gulag with @Kenty where you broke 3.4 and even apologised for it. I don't think this needs to be taken any further.
So can i gp every person that do any crime and ask him to get on the ground and call police to arrest them?
It's very situational, but like I said I spoke with @SpaceShots he said civilian arrests are allowed. But I will get some context from themselves and I'll come back to you with some information from SA and try and clarify how civil arrest should work on perp since it's a very light topic.
@Adrish i did this once and almost caught a 3 months ban, so i was curious about how pepehands rules works now
asked spaceshots about the situation, he went offline.


(Admin response) This is what happened ^

(Senior moderator response) quick translation to what he said (i would say it's against the rules, because you can't just chase someone that just committed murder and you know he's armed and you try to stop him as a civilian)
btw i understand his report was dealt with ingame but i never reported him ingame so i decided to make ar with evidence, you dealt with his report not mine and also the report about me wouldn't have existed in the first place if he just didn't gun point me and break a rule like that, i'm just saying
Back when people used to actually roleplay, citizens arrests were fairly common. The server has kinda devolved into fragRP but the rules haven't changed.

This was a big risk for both parties, gunpointing someone who just killed someone in a public place isn't a good idea however @bobo shouldn't have drawn his gun under gunpoint. In future:

@bobo don't pull a gun under gunpoint as you did
@MachineGunO don't gunpoint someone who just killed a man in public

Reviewed with @SpaceShots
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