AR on Mango

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Mango

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119099254

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 punched me while being under gun point also was running away from me when i ordered him multiple times to stop moving being extremely uncooperative and fearless for his life and which lead him getting shot and killed by me and because of him breaking rules made me focus on him got myself shot and killed because of his mingy roleplay.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
3.4 punched me while being under gun point

I punched you when you had the handcuffs out and when you pulled the gun I stopped punching and got on my knees and you continued to shoot.

when i ordered him multiple times to stop moving being extremely uncooperative and fearless for his life

An extreme overstatement to what actually happened. I backed up two steps when you pulled the gun and only started resisting when you got the handcuffs out.

which lead him getting shot and killed by me

You shot me even though I was crouched down and surrendering?

Explanation of my actions:

The only reason why I was resisting against you was because I was involved with the murder down the street, I can't remember why it happened as a lot has happened since then but that is irrelevant. I was also trying to delay time because my friends down the street had a gun and I was hoping they were going to open fire so I could run away. I wouldn't say that was 'mingy' at all as I punched you only to delay time and I fully co-operated under gunpoint. My plan would have worked perfectly if I wasn't shot when surrendering and I would have got away without a jail sentence or being dead. Proof that they had a gun?:

me focus on him got myself shot

Why did this happen?:

It seems that this is a pathetic and a revenge AR as I recently made an IA complaint on you. This was because you shot me down when I was unarmed and I was crouching and surrendering and you continued to fire which is excessive use of force, also something I was previously banned for about 2 years ago. Also, the title of the video is 'kys' which just proves my point even further that you were doing it because I made an IA complaint on you.

Add me on steam if you wish to discuss the situation so I can explain to you further my intentions.
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Your actions didn't show me that you were preventing yourself from getting killed which is under 3.6, you were backing up when i told you to stop and was ordering things you were refusing to do and punched me made me bleed acting absolutely fearless just risking your life like you're sure an officer not gonna shoot you but seems like you were too surprised by you getting shot like "wow he just shot me i wonder why", and if you think this was a revenge AR then you should seek some help because i don't waste 24/7 on perpheads i have some other shit to do in life such as work or sleep as i d/c after the situation didn't have enough time for this bs so i said i'll leave it for tomorrow but as you mentioned the IA i just noticed and hell yeah it did piss me off as i just saw it right now.
you were backing up when i told you to stop

Backed up 2 steps and I never tried to run away or anything whilst I had a gun pointed at me.

made me bleed

I don't decide whether they make you bleed, the game does. Also, my intentions were to delay time and try not to get arrested so my friends could shoot you.

absolutely fearless just risking your life

When I punched you, the gun was not pointed at me and you didn't even have it out.

you're sure an officer not gonna shoot you but seems like you were too surprised by you getting shot like "wow he just shot me i wonder why",

It's excessive use of force, and against rules and policies. I was surprised when getting shot because you're meant to use a taser at most, and you shot me even though I complied under gunpoint.

this was a revenge AR then you should seek some help because i don't waste 24/7 on perpheads

You had the time to make a completely petty AR, which was stated by a staff member their self.

yeah it did piss me off as i just saw it right now.

This petty AR pisses me off because I have to waste my time replying to it.

tl;dr; I had a plan and that was to delay time so my friends could shoot you and I did this to prevent me being arrested and I complied under gunpoint when my life was in danger. And as you said, my friends shot you down seconds or moments later, so I'm 99% sure my plan would have worked and I wouldn't have gone to jail or risked my life if you didn't use excessive force against me, which I'm considering taking to an AR as well.

If you wish to discuss further then add me on steam.
I'm just gonna say once again that your action were fearless and you decided to risk your life over bs which you could've prevented but you seem to be too surpised because i shot you, also screaming out loud i have a gun i have a gun seems about right mate.
fearless and you decided to risk your life

Don't see how I risked my life when my actions were not done under gunpoint.

also screaming out loud i have a gun i have a gun seems about right mate.

That was just to delay time and I believe I said it at the moment so you wouldn't cuff me so my friends could shoot you.

@Mango was not undergunpoint at the time he punched you, and he also got on the ground as soon as you gunpointed him.
It was also an attempt to escape as he was involved in crime.
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