AR on Mooo and Player1

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Jack Peteson / Jack Peterson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Player1/mooo/BuzzKillerer (Not sure which got which RP Name etc)
His/Her SteamID: Player1: STEAM_0:1:177366272, mooo: STEAM_0:0:60182130 BuzzKillerer: STEAM_0:0:59697227
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
2.5 First started raiding me, without saying anything and running towards me, so I was fearing for my life and instead of telling me to put hands up they decided to shoot me after.
After shooting me, they decided to break 1.1 and disrespect me in OOC, and also commenting on something I said OOC through advert.
After I had respawned, and I was at PD, talking with a friend they decided to shoot at me, for looking at them and their apartment.

Also after I shot his friend for shooting me, he automaticly knew I sniped his friend from highway, despite him not even looking out the window once for seeing whether I shot his friend, could've definitely been a friend of mine shooting them.
Evidence (Demo Required): (He made this advert after I made a comment, "Imagine being 19 years old, and disrespecting people in a game" in ooc, and he responded with that in advert). (This is from the last video, from where he shot me and I had shot them at the bridge).
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After this started to harrass me, and attack me again after rejoining, so I threw a grenade at them, which they then went down continuesly punching me even with a second grenade, and talking about AR in character.
- Another situation that just happened aswell, tried to mug me infront of an NPC and in public
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